
Trying to solve Advent of Code 2022 in 25 different languages (1 day = 1 language)

Primary LanguageRust

Advent of Code 2022: 15/25 langs

I’ll try to solve this Advent of Code using different language for each day. Any programs needed to run the code will be available via dev shell in the flake.nix.


Day Language Link
1 GNU Awk ./day01/
2 GNU sed ./day02/
3 Nix ./day03/
4 jq ./day04/
5 VimScript ./day05/
6 PCRE ./day06/
7 POSIX Shell ./day07/
8 Ada ./day08/
9 Haskell ./day09/
10 GNU Octave ./day10/
11 Elixir ./day11/
12 Raku ./day12/
13 Clojure ./day13/
14 Lua ./day14/
15 Futhark (+ some C) ./day15/


You can use check.sh script in the root directory of the repo to run all tests for one or every day.

Working Rust installation is needed for this to work. Development shell in flake.nix provides one.

$ ./check.sh      # Run all tests for every available day
$ ./check.sh 2    # Run all tests for the second day
$ ./check.sh 1 3  # Run all tests for the first and the third day

This script will exit with non-zero status if any of the checks failed.

Directory structure

In each day* directory there are following files and subdirectories:

Path Contents
./README.md Description & various info
./in/ Input files for the task
./in/demo1.txt Example for the first part
./in/demo2.txt Example for the second part
./in/part1.txt Input file for the first part
./in/part2.txt Input file for the second part
./out/*.txt Correct answers for the corresponding inputs
./code/ Code of the solution
./build/ Build artifacts
./build/.keep Empty file, required to commit ./build/
./scripts/ Scripts for building & running the solution
./scripts/build.sh Build the solution
./scripts/run.sh Run the solution with specified input

How to use run.sh

$ dayX/scripts/run.sh demo 1  # Run the first on the example
$ dayX/scripts/run.sh part 1  # Run the first part on the real input
$ dayX/scripts/run.sh demo 2  # Run the second part on the example
$ dayX/scripts/run.sh part 2  # Run the second part on the real input