
SQLFluff wrapper in node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SQLFluff Node

Local Development

  • run with node 20 or above in the shell (use nvm to manage node versions)
  1. Run npm install to install dependencies.

Optionally: - Lint and format using npm run lint and npm run format respectively.

  1. Install the CLI globally with
    npm install -g .

This will expose the command sqlfluffjs in the shell. The name of the command is set in package.json under the bin key.

To publish the package

  1. Login to NPM using npm login
  2. Update the version in package.json (npm version patch etc. also work)
  3. Update the package.json file as required: version, links, author, description, license, etc.
  4. Update the README.md file as required.
  5. Update the name of the command in the bin key in package.json if required.
  6. Run npm publish.

Its suggested to start with a version that includes @alpha or @beta to indicate that the package is not stable yet and allow some testing.