CUTPLASMID - Cleavage Under Targeting and PLAsmid Sequencing for Motif IDentification

Primary LanguagePython

CUTPLASMID: Cleavage Under Targeting and PLAsmid Sequencing for Motif IDentification


CUTPLASMID is a comprehensive tool designed for the identification and analysis of PAM (Protospacer Adjacent Motif) sequences in genome data, crucial for CRISPR-Cas systems. This script processes genomic data, identifies PAM sequences, and provides detailed statistical and visual analyses, including heatmaps and machine learning-based classification reports.


  • Data Preprocessing: Supports raw data filtering using fastp.
  • PAM Sequence Counting: Counts upstream and downstream PAM sequences around a target sequence.
  • Heatmap Generation: Creates heatmaps to visualize PAM sequence distributions.
  • Machine Learning: Trains and evaluates models to classify significant PAM sequences.
  • Visualization: Generates various plots and logos to represent PAM sequence statistics and distributions.


Ensure the following dependencies are installed:

  • Python 3.6+
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • argparse
  • datetime
  • itertools
  • gzip
  • json
  • seaborn
  • Bio (Biopython)
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • matplotlib
  • fastp
  • weblogo

Install dependencies using pip:

pip install pandas numpy argparse datetime biopython scipy scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/CUTPLASMID.git
  1. Ensure you have fastp and weblogo installed and available in your PATH.


Command-Line Arguments

Argument Description
-e, --experiment The experiment data file, separated by commas (required)
-c, --control The control data file, separated by commas (required)
-o, --output The output directory (required)
-t, --target The target sequence (required)
-u, --upstream The upstream PAM library length (default: 4)
-d, --downstream The downstream PAM library length (default: 4)
-f, --fastp Use fastp to filter the raw data (optional)
-sd, --seqDirection The sequence direction of the PAM (forward or reverse, default: forward)
-hm, --heatmap Draw the heatmap of the PAM count (optional)
-kt, --keeptmp Keep the temporary files (optional)


python cutplasmid.py -e experiment1.fastq,experiment2.fastq -c control1.fastq,control2.fastq -o ./output -t AGGCTAGC -u 4 -d 4 -f -hm


This tool was developed by Chen QI, Baitao LI, and collaborators from BNU-HKBU United International College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and BGI Research.

For any questions or support, please contact [qichen@uic.edu.cn].