A domain parser for Alphafold models

Primary LanguagePython


A domain parser for Alphafold models



Above software is required to be added to $PATH for smooth execution of the DPAM.


Other auxiliary data required for the software:

Please put the first four files in the same directory as scripts, decompress ECOD domain quality, ECOD residue weight and ECOD database and indicate their locations in the config_file


After installing required software and downloading the DPAM and necessary auxiliary data, please modify the config_file so DPAM can access the required data.


Currently DPAM works on AlphaFold v2 json file and please put json file and model file at the same direstory.

DPAM.py [model name.cif] [output_dir]

Future improvments

  • Incoperate mmseq and foldseek to accelerate speed of the search
  • Provide server for public usage and integrate with ECOD