Movie Title Scraper

This Python script utilizes BeautifulSoup and Requests libraries to scrape movie titles from a webpage and save them in a text file.


The code accesses a specific URL ( using the requests library. Then, it uses BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML content and find all movie titles under the <h3> tag with the class title. The script retrieves the movie titles, reverses their order, and saves them into a text file named movie.txt.

How to Use

  1. Ensure you have Python installed.
  2. Install the necessary libraries by running:
    pip install beautifulsoup4 requests
  3. Run the Python script python
  4. After execution, the script will generate a file named movie.txt containing a list of movie titles scraped from the specified URL.

Important Note Ensure that you have proper permissions to scrape content from the website in accordance with their terms of service and legal constraints. Libraries Used BeautifulSoup Requests Author Gomes Cabral