
Access Google Play by logging in and making requests as an Android device!

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Google Play API (Node.js Library)

English | 繁體中文

Access Google Play by logging in and making requests as an Android device!

A version of this library for PHP is being developed.

Report Issues

Please report any bugs you discover at https://github.com/GoneToneStudio/node-google-play-api/issues


Node.js 14.0.0 or newer is required.

With NPM

npm install @gonetone/google-play-api

Obtain an OAuth2 Token

  • Navigate to https://accounts.google.com/EmbeddedSetup

  • Sign in with your Google account

  • Select "I agree"

  • Navigate to "Cookie"

    View Cookie

  • Expand accounts.google.com > Cookie, find "oauth_token", and select the value beginning with oauth2_4/

    Get your own OAuth2 Token

Obtain the GSF ID of your device (Google Service Framework ID)

You can install the "Device ID" APP on Google Play to obtain the GSF ID of your device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.reh.deviceid

Please note:

  • The device which you get the GSF ID from will affect the subsequent data of the application. If the application which you want to get data from doesn’t support the device you get the GSF ID from, the data will return null. Thus, make sure whether the application supports your device.
  • Android TV cannot download the "Device ID" APP directly from Google Play. Nevertheless, you can download it on other devices and backup as .APK file, then, transfer the .APK file to Android TV to complete your installation.


const { GooglePlayAPI } = require('@gonetone/google-play-api')

Using GooglePlayAPI

const gpAPI = new GooglePlayAPI("Your_Google_Account@gmail.com", "The GSF ID (Google Service Framework ID) of your device")

Configuring User-Agent (Optional)


Configuring Client ID (Optional)


Configuring SDK Version (Optional)


Configuring Country Code (Optional)


Configuring Language Code (Optional)


Get App Details

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const details = await gpAPI.appDetails('com.github.android')

  console.log(`Title: ${details.title}`)
  console.log(`Description Html: ${details.descriptionHtml}`)
  console.log(`Developer Name: ${details.details.appDetails.developerName}`)
  console.log(`Version Code: ${details.details.appDetails.versionCode}`)
  console.log(`Version String: ${details.details.appDetails.versionString}`)
  console.log(`Package Name: ${details.details.appDetails.packageName}`)
  console.log(`Share Url: ${details.shareUrl}`)

Get Bulk Details

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const bulkDetails = await gpAPI.bulkDetails('com.github.android', 'com.twitter.android', 'com.facebook.katana')

App Search

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const search = await gpAPI.search('GitHub')

Get Download Info

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const downloadInfo = await gpAPI.downloadInfo('com.github.android')
  //const downloadInfo = await gpAPI.downloadInfo('com.github.android', 613) // Specify Version Code


Get Download Apk Url

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const downloadApkUrl = await gpAPI.downloadApkUrl('com.github.android')
  //const downloadApkUrl = await gpAPI.downloadApkUrl('com.github.android', 613) // Specify Version Code


Download Apk

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  await gpAPI.downloadApk('com.github.android', 'save_folder')
  //await gpAPI.downloadApk('com.github.android', 'save_folder', 613) // Specify Version Code

Get Split Delivery Data Info

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const splitDeliveryDataInfo = await gpAPI.splitDeliveryDataInfo('com.supercell.clashofclans')
  //const splitDeliveryDataInfo = await gpAPI.splitDeliveryDataInfo('com.supercell.clashofclans', 1383) // Specify Version Code


Get Download Split Apks Name And Url

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const downloadSplitApksNameAndUrl = await gpAPI.downloadSplitApksNameAndUrl('com.supercell.clashofclans')
  //const downloadSplitApksNameAndUrl = await gpAPI.downloadSplitApksNameAndUrl('com.supercell.clashofclans', 1383) // Specify Version Code


Download Split Apks

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  await gpAPI.downloadSplitApks('com.supercell.clashofclans', 'save_folder')
  //await gpAPI.downloadSplitApks('com.supercell.clashofclans', 'save_folder', 1383) // Specify Version Code


  • You can use Split APKs Installer (SAI) this app to install split apks.
  • Don’t forget to use gpAPI.downloadApk() to download the main apk, then install together.

Get Additional File Info

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const additionalFileInfo = await gpAPI.additionalFileInfo('com.github.android')
  //const additionalFileInfo = await gpAPI.additionalFileInfo('com.github.android', 613) // Specify Version Code


Get Download Additional File Urls

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  const downloadAdditionalFileUrls = await gpAPI.downloadAdditionalFileUrls('com.github.android')
  //const downloadAdditionalFileUrls = await gpAPI.downloadAdditionalFileUrls('com.github.android', 613) // Specify Version Code


Download Additional Files

gpAPI.getGoogleToken('Your OAuth2 Token', 'save/token.txt').then(async (token) => {
  await gpAPI.googleAuth(token)

  await gpAPI.downloadAdditionalFiles('com.github.android', 'save_folder')
  //await gpAPI.downloadAdditionalFiles('com.github.android', 'save_folder', 613) // Specify Version Code
