
XFilter based port of VSRO-Module-Sniffer

Primary LanguageC#


XFilter based port of VSRO-Module-Sniffer



Work in progress


Name specifies the assembly name of your plugin dll
ServiceType represents the services the plugin will be added to.

<Plugin Name="Silkroad.Plugin.Global" ServiceType="GlobalManager" />


Security should not be touched.
Certificator represents the end point the service certifying against which the module would normally do.

It's possible to have none or also multiple redirections.
CoordID is the NodeLinkID between module and certificator.
MachineID is not yet supported.
Port for service to be redirected (self or dedicated-service)

  <Service Name="GlobalManager #01" Type="GlobalManager" IP ="" Port="20000">
    <Security Blowfish="true" CRC="false" Handshake="true" />
    <Certificator IP="" Port="32000" />
      <Redirect CoordID="1227" MachineID="335" Port="20000" />      

Service Overview

(Click for fullscreen) ModuleFilter