
This program uses pynwb library to convert open ephys electrophysiological recordings for nwb(neuro data without border) standardize file format

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pynwb converter

In order to run this program first you need to add install pynwb in your anaconda environment For more information please refer to the main documentation page https://nwb-overview.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html You can also refer https://pynwb.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

It's recommended if you have a one of the following python versions - 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11

1, Create a virtual conda envirnoment

conda create -n pynwb python==3.11

Activate your conda envirnoment

conda activate pynwb

2, Install pynwb library

pip install -U pynwb

Once the pynwb library is installed, it will install these libraries hdmf, h5py, numpy, pandas, python-dateutil.

3, Install jupyternote book

pip install notebook

4, Run jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook

After this step please locate this notebook in your local machine and run the program.

Read NWB files

There is a short script written in matlab to read nwb files.

1, clone gihub repo

git clone https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/matnwb.git alternatively, download the zip file from github https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/matnwb

addpath('.add your path \matnwb-master');

Example to load nwb file in matlab

nwbfile = nwbRead('your path to nwb file \nwb_file.nwb');