
In this lecture you'll learn and understand what a promise is and how to use it in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents


Javascript Runtime: JS Engine, Event Loop, Call Stack, Execution Contexts, Heap, and Queues

How to Understand Callbacks & Higher Order Functions

Sync vs. Async

Synchronous operations MUST be completed before the program can do anything else. Most code we write is synchronous (and that’s okay because most things take very little time to complete).


An asynchronous operation is anything that takes time to complete.

Imagine walking into a Pizza shop and you ask for a slice of cheese pizza. The pizza isn’t ready yet so you have to wait. The person at the register gives you a ticket to claim your slice when it is ready. Meanwhile, you are free to run other errands and can return later to pick up your pizza. You get notified that the pizza is done so you return to the shop, hand in your ticket, and take your pizza home.

This is the essence of asynchronous operations.

  • Some operation is going to take some time to complete
  • In the meantime, you can do other things.
  • When the operation is complete, we can do something in response.

So… what next? Callbacks

When working with asynchronous code, since we aren’t always aware of when the operation will complete, we need to provide instructions for what to do when that time comes.

We’ve done this with event handlers using a callback: when a button is clicked, handle it with this callback...

document.querySelector('#clickButton').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  console.log('the button has been clicked!');

With setTimeout we also do this with a callback. setTimeout is a good way to fake asynchronous operations. setTimeout takes a callback and an amount of time in milliseconds (1000ms === 1s). It will execute the callback after the time passes.

setTimeout(() => { // wait 3 seconds then...
}, 3000)

setTimeout(() => { // wait 1 seconds then...
}, 1000)

setTimeout(() => { // wait 2 seconds then...
}, 2000)
  • Synchronous operations will complete first, then asynchronous operations, no matter how long the async operation takes.

Q: In what order will the console log statements be executed? What happens if we set the timers to 0?


If the timers are all set to 0, "starting!" and "done!" will still be first followed by 1 2 3 This is because synchronous operations will complete first, no matter how quickly the asynchronous operations take.

Limitations of Callbacks — Callback Hell

In the previous example, we essentially start all of the timers at the same time. We aren't waiting for one to finish to start the next. But what if we wanted to?

setTimeout(() => { // wait 3 seconds then...
  setTimeout(() => { // wait 1 seconds then...
    setTimeout(() => { // wait 2 second then...
    }, 2000)
  }, 1000)
}, 3000)

The basic idea behind this approach is:

  • Start an asynchronous process
    • When the operation is complete, do something next…
      • When that operation is complete, do something next…
        • When that operation is complete, do something next…

This approach is commonly referred to as callback hell.

Promises aim to provide a more readable approach.

So… what next? Promises!

Promises are used when we want to get some data, but we know it will take time. More specifically, a promise is an object that represents the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation and the resulting value.

For example, if we want to get data about the current weather from a weather API, it may take time, especially if our internet is slow. When we make that request, we'll be given a promise that will eventually "resolve" to the weather data.

Q: In the pizza shop example, what is the promise object we are given? what is the resulting value?

The ticket is the promise. The resulting value is the pizza!

Using a Promise involves two steps:

  1. Start the asynchronous operation and get a Promise back (order your pizza, get your ticket)
  2. Define how to handle the resolved/rejected Promise using .then() and .catch() (when ready, I will hand in my ticket and get my pizza)

Diagram showing the flow of Promises

As the asynchronous operation is carried out, the Promise will exist in one of three states:

  • pending - the operation is still working and the promise is not yet “settled”
  • fulfilled - the operation was a success! We got the value we wanted. Commonly referred to as “resolved”
  • rejected - the operation failed. We got an error back.

Q: When are the callbacks given to .then() or .catch() executed?

When the promise is fulfilled or rejected (step 5a, or 5b). NOT when it is initially passed to .then() or .catch() (step 2).

Promise Syntax: Resolve and Then

When making a Promise, we define when/how it will resolve.

Then, the “consumer” of the Promise defines what to do with the resulting value.

// This function makes a promise and returns it.
const asyncAction = () => {
  const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve("Success!"); // resolve after 500ms
    }, 500);

  return promise;

// "consume" the promise
const myFirstPromise = asyncAction();

// schedule a callback to execute when the promise resolves
myFirstPromise.then((successMessage) => {
  console.log(`Fulfilled! ${successMessage}`);

console.log("when does this happen?");
  • When making a Promise we call resolve(...) when the asynchronous operation succeeds and reject(...) when it fails.
  • In this example, we use setTimeout(...) to simulate async code. A more realistic example might make an HTTP request or interact with a database, something that takes time.
  • Most often, you don’t create Promises yourself. You’ll use functions like fetch that return a Promise and you’ll just "consume" the Promise. You will need to know how to use the returned Promise (using .then), but it’s good to know how a Promise is made.

Q: What is the order of the console.log statements?

Synchronous code will always be executed before asynchronous code

Promise Syntax: Reject and Catch

In the last example, the Promise always resolves. But many Promises can also reject, often if an error occurs.

In this next example, the Promise will randomly resolve or reject.

The “consumer” of the Promise then handles each case accordingly.

const asyncAction = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    const random = Math.random();
    if (random > 0.5) {
      resolve(random); // this value will be passed to the .then() callback
    } else {
      reject(random); // this value will be passed to the .catch() callback
  }, 500);

myFirstPromise = asyncAction();

  .then((data) => { // executes if `resolve()` was invoked
    console.log(`Fulfilled! ${data}`)
  .catch((errorMessage) => { // executes if `reject()` was invoked
    console.error(`Rejected :( ${errorMessage}`)

Best Practice: Reject with an Error

In the last example, we invoke resolve and reject with the same value. However, as a best practice, we should reject with an Error object. Most producers of Promises adhere to this best practice and most consumers of Promises expect this.

const asyncAction = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    const random = Math.random();
    if (random > 0.5) {
    } else {
      reject(new Error(random)); // Create an Error object with random as the "message"
  }, 500);

myFirstPromise = asyncAction();

  .then((data) => {
    console.log(`Fulfilled! ${data}`)
  .catch((error) => { // error is the rejected Error object which has a .message property
    console.error(`Rejected :( ${error.message}`)

Chaining Promises

Now this is where Promises are super useful and solve the callback hell approach.

.then() (and .catch()) will always return a Promise that you can chain additional .then() calls to.

The Promise that .then() returns will resolve to the value that its callback returns.

// Promise.resolve("a") is shorthand for: new Promise((resolve) => resolve("a"))

Promise.resolve("a") // The first promise resolves with "a"
  .then((str) => { 
    console.log(str) // print "a"
    return "b";      // This `.then()` resolves a new promise with "b"
  .then((str) => { 
    console.log(str) // print "b"
    return "c";      // This `.then()` resolves a new promise with "c"
  .then((str) => {
    console.log(str) // print "c"
    // This `.then()` just resolves a new promise with undefined
  .then(console.log) // print "undefined"

Coming up...

Next time, we’ll write code like this:

// Execute async code that returns a Promise
const fetchPromise = fetch('https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/pikachu');

// Define what to do with the resolved Promise
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((jsonData) => console.log(jsonData))
  .catch((error) => console.error(error.message))