
Calendar which is an equivalent of the Google's product.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Required features are:

  • scheduling events: one-time / full day / recurring on different intervals (same intervals that Google is using)

  • editing scheduled events (one-time events / event series / single event in a series)

  • displaying events on a calendar control (both one-time events and event series infinitely in the future)

  • sending reminder emails about upcoming tasks

#Technologies ###Backend:

  • ASP.NET (4.5)
  • EasyNetQ
  • Autofac
  • Entity Framework
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • xUnit
  • Shoudly

###Frontend (not required):

  • TypeScript
  • Aurelia.io
  • Karma.js
  • Protractor.js

#Architecture I'm going to implement a CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) with full Event Sourcing. If you're intrested in that conecept, I encourge you to visit my blog to get acquainted with that (http://foreverframe.pl/cqrses-1-a-bit-of-theory/). The diagram below presents whole backend architecture: cqrs1

#Trello You can follow my progress on Trello: (https://trello.com/b/rYiVDKLD/awesomecalendar#)