Game Template

Important: make sure to upgrade the @play-co/* dependencies to the latest versions after forking this template.


Installing NodeJS v14

You can install NodeJS from there website here: Or you can use nvm and follow these instructions:

Installing NPM v8

Node v14 ships with npm v6.X, you'll need npm v8 for peer dependency resolving, so upgrade it:

npm i npm -g npm@8

Installing FFMPEG

You can easily install FFMPEG with homebrew: brew install ffmpeg

Installing ImageMagik

You can easily install ImageMagik with homebrew: brew install imagemagick


Replicant is our backend tech, check out the Replicant repo for more info.

To get a new project setup with a deployed backend, reach out to #coretech-support on Slack.

Github Package Permissions

Basic Browser Simulator

  1. npm run start
  2. Browse to Devkit Simulator
  3. To simulate more than one player, navigate to https://localhost:8020/webpack-dev-server/?profile=player1 (player1 can be replaced with any player id you like) (you may need to allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.)


  • Simulates dev environment by default, see configs/envs/developmentLocal.
  • In this mode, we mock Facebook Instant Games, and store things like your PlayerID and platform storage in localStorage, where it can be edited to easily test specific scenarios or player states.
  • Clearing your localStorage is a quick and easy way to test the game as a brand new player.

Facebook Browser Simulator

  1. npm run start:fb
  2. Browse to Facebook Simulator


  • Simulates production environment by default, see configs/envs/developmentFacebook.
  • In this mode, you're able to test against your real Facebook account and player data; it's the closest you can come to testing in production without actually testing in production.
  • If you have any issues, check the Facebook Local Server Guide.


See package.json for a list of available commands under the scripts section. See the configs/ folder for a list of environment files referenced in those scripts.

Optional Integrations


Run npm run airtable to generate assets from Airtable data (see the docs). Edit build-scripts/airtable.ts for more info.


Run npm run figma to generate UI assets from Figma using Pigma. Edit the figma script in package.json to set a different URL and other export options.