
Cute little WebGL Library written in Javascript. Very Basic. Probably nothing special. Best to ignore this one and move on.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cute little WebGL Library written in Javascript.


This little lady was built based on a few tutorials that I had seen around as well as a lovely talk given by Nick Desaulniers.


var glow = new Glowworm(canvasElement);

var gl = glow.gl;

var fImageShader = "./shaders/phantom_video_fragment.glsl";
var vImageShader = "./shaders/phantom_video_vertex.glsl";

glow.shaders.createProgram_FromFiles(vImageShader, fImageShader, function(err, program){

			// initialization

				console.log("Err:", err);

				// tell Webgl to use the shader "program" we just had it generate.

				// using the program, let's extract the shader Uniforms and Attributes
				uniforms = glow.getUniforms(program);
				attributes = glow.getAttributes(program);

				// simple log.
				console.log("Got a program ready!");
				// create a rectangle onto which we can apply a texture
				glow.rectangles.create(-1,-1,2,2, attributes.aPosition);
				// specify how we want to drape the texture onto the above rectangle.

				0x0y                   1x0y
				|          |          |
				|          |          |
				|  0.5x0.5y|          |
				|          |          |
				|          |          |
				|          |          |
				0x1t						1x1y			
				//                      X    Y    width    height
				glow.rectangles.create(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordForwardColor); // good
				glow.rectangles.create(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordForwardMask);  // good
				glow.rectangles.create(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordBackwardColor); // good
				glow.rectangles.create(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordBackwardMask); // good
				// set the shader uniform values of Color and Mask to use TEXTURE0 TEXTURE1 respectively.
				gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uColorImage, 0);
				gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uIsForward, isGoingForward);
				// gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uMaskImage, 1);
				// Start the render sequence.

		});// end setup webgl;

		// take a video element and inject its data into a specific texture.
		function pullTextureFromVideoElm(elm, textureTarget){
			var _videoElm = elm;
			if( _videoElm ){
				if (!texCache[textureTarget]){
					// texCache[textureTarget] = glow.textures.create( _videoElm );
					glow.textures.create(_videoElm, function(err, texture){
						texCache[textureTarget] = texture;
						gl.activeTexture( gl["TEXTURE" + textureTarget] );
						gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, texCache[textureTarget] );

					gl.activeTexture( gl["TEXTURE" + textureTarget]);
					glow.textures.updateWithVideo( texCache[textureTarget] , _videoElm );
				console.error("No Video Element Found");

		// call the above function using the color and mask elements.
		function pullFramesFromVideos(colorElm, maskElm){
			pullTextureFromVideoElm(colorElm, 0);
			pullTextureFromVideoElm(maskElm, 1);

		var isRendering = false;

		function render(){
			// console.log("Blip!");
			if (isRendering === false){
				isRendering = true;
			// re-up this function at the earliest opprotunity.

			// clear the canvas and resize it to match the desired video resolution aspec ratio.
			// when we are confident we have what we need, pull down a frame from the videos.
			//if(bothVideosCanPlay() && videosAreLoaded()){
				pullTextureFromVideoElm(videoElm, 0);
				// pullFramesFromVideos(colorVideoElm, maskVideoElm);
			// draw the scene.
			gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);