Cute little WebGL Library written in Javascript.
This little lady was built based on a few tutorials that I had seen around as well as a lovely talk given by Nick Desaulniers.
var glow = new Glowworm(canvasElement);
var gl =;
var fImageShader = "./shaders/phantom_video_fragment.glsl";
var vImageShader = "./shaders/phantom_video_vertex.glsl";
glow.shaders.createProgram_FromFiles(vImageShader, fImageShader, function(err, program){
// initialization
console.log("Err:", err);
// tell Webgl to use the shader "program" we just had it generate.
// using the program, let's extract the shader Uniforms and Attributes
uniforms = glow.getUniforms(program);
attributes = glow.getAttributes(program);
// simple log.
console.log("Got a program ready!");
// create a rectangle onto which we can apply a texture
glow.rectangles.create(-1,-1,2,2, attributes.aPosition);
// specify how we want to drape the texture onto the above rectangle.
0x0y 1x0y
| | |
| | |
| 0.5x0.5y| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0x1t 1x1y
// X Y width height
glow.rectangles.create(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordForwardColor); // good
glow.rectangles.create(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordForwardMask); // good
glow.rectangles.create(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordBackwardColor); // good
glow.rectangles.create(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, attributes.aTexCoordBackwardMask); // good
// set the shader uniform values of Color and Mask to use TEXTURE0 TEXTURE1 respectively.
gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uColorImage, 0);
gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uIsForward, isGoingForward);
// gl.uniform1i(uniforms.uMaskImage, 1);
// Start the render sequence.
});// end setup webgl;
// take a video element and inject its data into a specific texture.
function pullTextureFromVideoElm(elm, textureTarget){
var _videoElm = elm;
if( _videoElm ){
if (!texCache[textureTarget]){
// texCache[textureTarget] = glow.textures.create( _videoElm );
glow.textures.create(_videoElm, function(err, texture){
texCache[textureTarget] = texture;
gl.activeTexture( gl["TEXTURE" + textureTarget] );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, texCache[textureTarget] );
gl.activeTexture( gl["TEXTURE" + textureTarget]);
glow.textures.updateWithVideo( texCache[textureTarget] , _videoElm );
console.error("No Video Element Found");
// call the above function using the color and mask elements.
function pullFramesFromVideos(colorElm, maskElm){
pullTextureFromVideoElm(colorElm, 0);
pullTextureFromVideoElm(maskElm, 1);
var isRendering = false;
function render(){
// console.log("Blip!");
if (isRendering === false){
isRendering = true;
// re-up this function at the earliest opprotunity.
// clear the canvas and resize it to match the desired video resolution aspec ratio.
// when we are confident we have what we need, pull down a frame from the videos.
//if(bothVideosCanPlay() && videosAreLoaded()){
pullTextureFromVideoElm(videoElm, 0);
// pullFramesFromVideos(colorVideoElm, maskVideoElm);
// draw the scene.
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);