
In this project we were given an website from a ficticious client. We are tasked with taking a look at the html structure and styling of the cleints website. We are asked to make it more accesible to comply with industry standards as well as re-organize the way the html is written so it is more semantically correct. The goal is to make all the changes without effecting the way the website displays.

Technolgies Used

  1. HTML - used to create the elements of a website
  2. CSS - used to style the contents of a website

In my attempt to complete the assignment I tried to remove as many of the divs that I could and replacing them with more semantic tags like


The main reference that I used throughout the assignment was a resource that Jerome posted. It's about semantic html page elements

I interpreted the hw instructions as a work flow for myself that looked as follows:

  1. Make sure all html elements are semantic
  2. Is the html grouped in a way that makes sense - would another developer be able to look at the code and easily form a mental picture of what is going on
  3. Do all of the images have an alt=" " attribute to them
  4. Do all of the header elements make chronological sense? - i was a bit unclear here
  5. Does the tab sound fitting for out client and what they do