
Colours Red or green as an indicator for good or bad should be changeable for colour blind people

transafrika opened this issue · 3 comments

As a so called colour blind person i cant see the difference between the default colors red and green indicating fast or slow loading of a page so it would be very helful if the colours could be changed in the preferences to lets say red and blue. 8% of the male population and 0,5% of all woman have this "red and green problem".

We could have a setting on the Options page to use a different color scheme.

There are other indicators for failing web vitals, so it’s not just based on colors:

  • Badge cycles through all failing status’s giving the value when not all three are passing
  • Pop up indicates which category the current value falls in
  • HUD has a square icon for needs improvement and a triangle for poor
  • Console logging indicates status

Maybe we should change the green square to a circle to make this more obvious on the badge when there are no issues?