CSS Custom Paint / Paint Worklet polyfill with special browser optimizations.
- 0
Does not work within CSS Layers
#39 opened by OnurGumus - 0
Safari sometimes throws a "Failed to load resource: Data URL decoding failed" error
#38 opened by WesselKroos - 0
- 0
Add types definition
#35 opened by mauriciabad - 0
- 0
- 0
- 4
Polyfill seemingly not working.
#30 opened by maxall41 - 2
Doesn't work with constructable style sheets
#31 opened by jespertheend - 2
`border-image-source` not rendering on Firefox
#28 opened by jsnkuhn - 3
- 4
Reliable to use on XSS-disabled sites?
#23 opened by brandonmcconnell - 0
- 1
Bad performance
#24 opened by mstange - 3
Demo doesn't work
#22 opened by jespertheend - 0
ERESOLVE when running `npm i`
#20 opened by jespertheend - 1
Demo doesn't work
#21 opened by jespertheend - 0
Enable custom arguments
#18 opened by una - 1
Updating custom properties does not work
#17 opened by una - 0
Doesn't work on initial load
#16 opened by una - 2
- 1
Polyfill does not work with ShadowDOM
#13 opened by Devcon4 - 1
Off main thread
#14 opened by Mapiac - 1
- 0
[todo] Extract addModule() into its own repo
#11 opened by developit - 0
- 2
Firefox error with CSS from different domain
#6 opened by nbremer - 1
Only the first paint is picked up
#4 opened by nbremer