Run the web server:
./gradlew -t :server:run
Run the web asset server:
./gradlew -t :web:run
Visit: http://localhost:8080
Run the client:
Install the SDK:
mkdir android-sdk cd android-sdk unzip PATH_TO_SDK_ZIP/ tools/bin/sdkmanager --update tools/bin/sdkmanager "platforms;android-30" "build-tools;30.0.2" "extras;google;m2repository" "extras;android;m2repository" tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
Add the following to your ~/.bashrc
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=PATH_TO_SDK/android-sdk
Source the new profile:
source ~/.bashrc
Run the build from this project's dir:
./gradlew :android:build
For a physical device, setup adb
Run on a device using an external server:
./gradlew android:installDebug -PdrawUrl=https://YOUR_URL/draw
Or to run from Android Studio / IntelliJ, create a
file in your root project directory containing:drawUrl=http://YOUR_DRAW_SERVER:8080/draw
And setup the activity to first run Gradle-aware Make with a task of
Use GCP for Pub/Sub & Vision API:
Go to:
Enable the Vision API
Click "Create Credentials"
Select "Cloud Vision API" at the API you are using
Select "No, I’m not using them"
Click "What Credentials do I need"
Give the Service Account a name
Select a role, like Project Editor
Leave the JSON option selected and press "Continue"
A JSON file will be downloaded to your machine
Go to:
Create a topic named
Create a subscription named
Select "Never Expire"
Press "Create"
Run the app locally connecting to Pub/Sub and the Vision API:
Build and Deploy manually:
gcloud config set run/region us-central1
gcloud services enable
gcloud builds submit$(gcloud config get-value project)/air-draw
gcloud beta run deploy air-draw --image$(gcloud config get-value project)/air-draw --allow-unauthenticated --memory=512Mi