Kubernetes custom controller and CRDs to managing Airflow
- 1
airflow operator question
#43 opened by feng-tao - 1
- 3
PGBouncer support
#96 opened by jonnydford - 0
Quick Start Guide does not work
#102 opened by VedantMahabaleshwarkar - 5
- 2
Work with puckel/docker-airflow docker image
#11 opened by barney-s - 2
Create documentation
#1 opened by barney-s - 1
Add Env variable to Container
#99 opened by jingwangumg - 3
Incorrect `Kind` in ownerRef
#98 opened by vpavlin - 2
Support existing RabbitMQ Celery Broker
#89 opened by jonnydford - 9
- 1
Documentation on installation
#97 opened by exolab - 10
GCS & 1.10.2
#80 opened by zifeo - 2
- 0
GCS DAG Sync - Service Account Secret
#94 opened by jonnydford - 0
Development Docs Update
#93 opened by jonnydford - 0
Add Ingress for UI, Flower
#92 opened by jonnydford - 0
Add Service for Flower
#91 opened by jonnydford - 0
Support multiple worker 'types'
#90 opened by jonnydford - 0
Allow dags_in_image option for k8s
#88 opened by cal-pratt - 0
CloudSQL over private IP address
#87 opened by jonnydford - 0
Manifest generation doesn't work with Kustomize v2.0+
#82 opened by zx8 - 2
./hack/sample configurations not working
#81 opened by darkmane - 9
RabbitMQ/Memorystore support
#69 opened by hxquangnhat - 7
- 8
Unit tests return errors
#68 opened by hxquangnhat - 4
- 1
Airflow Operator + Postgres Cloud SQL - Airflow UI pod won't restart after it is killed
#65 opened by jcunhasilva - 8
- 5
Add comprehensive e2e tests
#2 opened by barney-s - 2
- 6
- 1
Add support for cloudsql with postgres
#56 opened by barney-s - 5
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 1
README refers to Google internal site
#42 opened by EronWright - 2
- 2
- 8
- 0
Create application CRD
#12 opened by crimsonfaith91 - 5
Airflow 1.10.0
#14 opened by victornoel - 3
- 5
Expose airflow.cfg config settings via CRs
#8 opened by barney-s - 1
move to kubebuilder 1.0.0
#5 opened by barney-s - 2
Env variables for custom airflow docker images
#10 opened by EamonKeane - 4
- 0
Add an Admission Controller for K8s executor
#3 opened by barney-s - 1