End-to-end modular samples and landing zones toolkit for Terraform on GCP.
- 0
Define new naming convention for fast stages
#2461 opened by juliocc - 1
- 1
Add support for CMEK to Spanner module
#2633 opened by ludoo - 0
(modules/secret-manager): add support for Secret Version `version_destroy_ttl`
#2644 opened by frits-v - 1
Issue with plan_summary and 2-networking-b-nva tests
#2588 opened by eliamaldini - 0
Add support for extra volume mount types
#2635 opened by fulyagonultas - 0
- 3
Support Routing Mode in net-swp module
#2624 opened by a200462790 - 2
- 2
Error when running stage 1-vpcsc: The API requires a quota project
#2621 opened by bjoerntcex - 2
Error when running stage 1-vpcsc: The API requires a quota project
#2622 opened by bjoerntcex - 2
- 4
Roll out full IAM interface to artifact registry module
#2605 opened by NitriKx - 0
Support observability_config for Alloydb
#2601 opened by baran81 - 1
- 0
Add looker core module to top-level READMEs
#2591 opened by ludoo - 3
Permadiff on modules/net-lb-int
#2589 opened by eliamaldini - 0
Add Looker (Google Cloud Core) module
#2426 opened by adesso-thomasrose - 1
- 1
- 0
FAST diagrams file corrupted in #2484
#2580 opened by ludoo - 4
Diagram out of date - shows project-factory in stage 3
#2567 opened by lyricnz - 1
- 0
Feature Request: Support for Multiple Forwarding Rules in net-lb-app-int Module
#2561 opened by Nadav23AnT - 5
Document the need to add pubsub roles to the read-only SA in bootstrap in specific use cases
#2540 opened by mlutx - 9
- 12
fast: allow existing users to migrate when incompatible changes are included in new versions
#2512 opened by gustavovalverde - 0
Implement send_secondary_ip_range_if_empty for net-vpc
#2527 opened by sruffilli - 9
- 1
- 5
- 3
Permission error when using project-factory for creating organization policies in the project
#2513 opened by danijelTxFusion - 1
net-swp cleanup
#2434 opened by sruffilli - 0
Network security branch in resource manager should be optional via fast_features
#2507 opened by ludoo - 0
Create tests for blueprints/gke/patterns
#2435 opened by juliocc - 3
Argument is deprecated
#2506 opened by IanMoroney - 3
Re-verify automatic import of default org policies
#2504 opened by ludoo - 0
Add support for allow_psc_global_access in variable psc_addresses in module net-address
#2479 opened by juliocc - 3
Unclear how provider versions are supposed to get pinned in FAST framework stages
#2473 opened by nika-pr - 0
Align VPC-SC stage with resources
#2467 opened by juliocc - 1
Remove ternaries from VPC-SC module
#2468 opened by juliocc - 1
Spoke Peering Import Export of Routes Configuration does not work in networking stage
#2462 opened by sudhirrs - 0
Peering names exceed limits when combined
#2419 opened by Beaverkilla - 0
Manage lifecycle of invoker role in cloud functions v2
#2455 opened by ludoo - 6
Publish modules to Terraform registry?
#2428 opened by nika-pr - 3
Secondary range services&pods name cannot be null
#2438 opened by fulyagonultas - 0
#2396 broke the autopilot GKE pattern blueprint
#2432 opened by ludoo - 1
Upgrading between versions
#2431 opened by timothyclifford-loambio - 2
Certificate Manager certificates support for Application Load Balancer modules
#2408 opened by krissQ-Q - 2
Missing permission billing.resourceAssociations.create when using standalone billing account at stage 2
#2414 opened by joe-flumen