
Module net-lb-app-ext variables do not match Terraform resource properties

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Module variables do not match Terraform resource properties for urlmap_config.path_matchers[<name>].default_route_action.cors_policy.

A URL Map requires at least the following properties to be a list(string): allow_methods, allow_headers, expose_headers

The URL Map resource proxies the variables as is, therefore, they are incorrect (input is an optional(string), expected list(string)).


output from `terraform -version`
Terraform v1.7.3
on darwin_arm64
+ provider v5.16.0
+ provider v5.16.0
+ provider v2.4.1
output from `git rev-parse --short HEAD`

module source = "git::ssh://"

To Reproduce
Use the net-lb-app-ext module, and fill out a cors_policy.

Expected behavior
The URL Map should be created with the configured CORS policy.


│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│   on .terraform/modules/load_balancer/modules/net-lb-app-ext/ line 280, in resource "google_compute_url_map" "default":
│  280:               allow_headers        = cors_policy.value.allow_headers
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "allow_headers": list of string required.
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│   on .terraform/modules/load_balancer/modules/net-lb-app-ext/ line 281, in resource "google_compute_url_map" "default":
│  281:               allow_methods        = cors_policy.value.allow_methods
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "allow_methods": list of string required.
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│   on .terraform/modules/load_balancer/modules/net-lb-app-ext/ line 285, in resource "google_compute_url_map" "default":
│  285:               expose_headers       = cors_policy.value.expose_headers
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "expose_headers": list of string required.

Good catch, that is probably the most complex resource ever (much worse than GKE clusters). Thanks for reporting this. If you have the time to send a PR go for it, otherwise we'll try and have the fix in ASAP.

Great, thanks for fixing this! I had changed it locally to test if it solved my issue, but ran into another issue (not related to foundation fabric) and didn't create a PR (but was about to) :) But glad that it's solved!