
phpipam outputs "invalid request" on "automatic database installation"

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
The terraform script does not output cloudsql_password. Hardcoding something in the tfvars makes it output cloudsql_password. It still does not solve the issue with "automatic database installation" returning "invalid request" when trying to install. I get jQuery error on firefox, brave, and safari. Only Mullvad browser works. The address doesn't work, only the cloud_run_service URL works.


Terraform v1.7.4
on darwin_amd64
+ provider v5.18.0
+ provider v5.18.0
+ provider v3.6.0
+ provider v4.0.5
git rev-parse --short HEAD

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I followed the steps and only added the project id. Infrastructure gets set up accordingly but the phpipam installation does not work. If you don't set the cloudsql_password in the tfvars, you will not get a password output for it.

I'm having a hard time figuring our what your issue is. Can you point to a module or blueprint, and provide repro steps please?

My bad! it's the phpipam blueprint located in blueprints/third-party-solutions/phpipam


@simonebruzzechesse can you take a look? I think that blueprint is yours

@PapaPeskwo Thanks for reaching out, I can confirm the issue on Cloud SQL password missing on the output. I don't know if the issue on phpipam is a regression, I was able to fix it following this solution. The PR should fix everything, please give it a try and let me know! :)

Hello, just tried it and it all works! Thank you so much for the quick fix :)