
`log-export-logbucket` doesn't use prefix

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
log-export-logbucket in stage 0 of FAST doesn't use the prefix, and therefore tries to generate buckets with non-unique names causing the apply to fail.


Terraform v1.7.5
on linux_amd6

To Reproduce
Try to run stage 0 of FAST, checked out from the v30.0.0 tag

Expected behavior
A successful apply


│ Error: Error creating Bucket: googleapi: Error 409: Bucket audit-logs already exists
│   with module.log-export-logbucket["audit-logs"].google_logging_project_bucket_config.bucket[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/log-export-logbucket/modules/logging-bucket/ line 17, in resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket":
│   17: resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket" {
│ Error: Error creating Bucket: googleapi: Error 409: Bucket vpc-sc already exists
│   with module.log-export-logbucket["vpc-sc"].google_logging_project_bucket_config.bucket[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/log-export-logbucket/modules/logging-bucket/ line 17, in resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket":
│   17: resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket" {
│ Error: Error creating Bucket: googleapi: Error 409: Bucket workspace-audit-logs already exists
│   with module.log-export-logbucket["workspace-audit-logs"].google_logging_project_bucket_config.bucket[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/log-export-logbucket/modules/logging-bucket/ line 17, in resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket":
│   17: resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "bucket" {

Additional context

diff --git a/fast/stages/0-bootstrap/ b/fast/stages/0-bootstrap/
index ed87c24c..f743baa5 100644
--- a/fast/stages/0-bootstrap/
+++ b/fast/stages/0-bootstrap/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module "log-export-logbucket" {
   for_each      = toset([for k, v in var.log_sinks : k if v.type == "logging"])
   parent_type   = "project"
   parent        = module.log-export-project.project_id
-  id            = each.key
+  id            = "${local.prefix}-${each.key}"
   location      = local.locations.logging
   log_analytics = { enable = true }

Yes, bucket names are not globally unique so we prefer keeping them as they are. Just manually delete the existing bucket, or change the name of the sink in the stage variables.