
data_cache_config setting missing for cloud-foundation-fabric/modules/cloudsql-instance

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There is a missing setting in cloud-foundation-fabric/modules/cloudsql-instance. When running a ENTERPRISE_PLUS instance you can set data_cache_config to true or false, this setting defaults to false. It seams this setting is missing in this module.

A college enabled data_cache_config to true on our ENTERPRISE_PLUS instance and we got this from terraform and when I tried to set it in the module i found that it is missing:
Terraform output gave us this:

I tried to look for it in the module but it didn't exist. When I checked the resource google_sql_database_instance in terraform registry I found the data_cache_config setting.


Terraform v1.7.5

Using this tag:


To Reproduce
Create a cloud-sql ENTERPRISE_PLUS and instance with the module and enable data cache from the GUI.

Expected behavior
No diff.


- data_cache_config {
  - data_cache_enabled = true -> null