
Add labels on resource level "google_dns_record_set"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Hi Team,

We are calling CFF module and resource "google_dns_record_set", but there are no resource labels available in this resource. We also enforced hard-mandatory sentinel policies which check resource labels are attached to each and every resource.

module "cloud-dns-zone" {
  source     = "git::["](
  project_id = "project-1"
  name       ="sample-cloud-dns"
  recordsets = {
    "A localhost" = { records = [""] }
    "A myhost"    = { ttl = 600, records = [""] }
ludoo commented

I don't think the resource supports labels, and provider resources are not something we manage in this repo. Closing this, feel free to reopen of course if I missed the point.