- 4
NPE/ConcurrentModificationException in JibLayerFilterExtension when building in paralllel large multi-module project
#170 opened by DiverOfDark - 1
- 1
Is it possible to set jib.pluginExtensions.pluginExtension.implementation via gradle system prop?
#150 opened by sharkymcdongles - 0
Deadlink in Jib GraalVM Native Image Extension README
#175 opened by reitzig - 7
- 4
Cause: extension configured but not discovered on Jib runtime classpath:
#164 opened by thaarbach - 1
- 4
No plugin found for prefix 'native-image' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories
#157 opened by romil-patel-integrella - 2
`jib-ownership-extension` is not considering / chown-ing `extraDirectories` directories
#163 opened by kristian - 0
- 0
- 1
Spring Native
#153 opened by ft9054 - 4
Customize the order of jib filter,Jib filter extensions created layer order is not good
#56 opened by SamPeng87 - 3
Eclipse warning "Invalid plugin configuration" in jib-layer-filter-extension-maven
#151 opened by x44 - 3
Support Quarkus fast jar
#92 opened by asodja - 0
Release v0.1.1-jib-quarkus-extension-maven
#147 opened by github-actions - 1
- 0
Release v0.1.2-jib-quarkus-extension-gradle
#143 opened by github-actions - 0
In README of jib-native-image-extension-gradle replace version 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT with 0.1.0
#139 opened by haroldlbrown - 4
For jib-native-image-extension-gradle what default container image is used? And how can it be overridden?
#138 opened by haroldlbrown - 0
- 10
jib-native-image-extension-gradle not released
#133 opened by asheshsaraf - 2
Applying plugin with the plugins DSL
#132 opened by luisalves00 - 6
native image gradle extenstion too
#72 opened by lfarkas - 0
- 0
- 2
extension configured but not discovered on Jib runtime classpath:
#106 opened by UditPan - 0
documentation should have to updated for quarkus
#71 opened by lfarkas - 3
Gradle Quarkus Jib extension crashes with `Path does not start with forward slash (/)` on MacOS
#50 opened by asodja - 4
Documentation/example for gradle kotlin build
#35 opened by zurvan2 - 0
Helper method to mock Configurations in tests
#11 opened by chanseokoh