- 6
Upgrade ASM to 9.6 to support Java 22
#4220 opened by chrischall - 4
Intermittent build failures with jib-maven-plugin
#4180 opened by kumarineha304 - 3
- 1
- 3
Some dependencies in jib-core are set to wrong dependency scope that may cause compilation error.
#4234 opened by HappyHacker123 - 2
Jib CLI proxy usage not documented
#4231 opened by scrat98 - 5
spring boot 3.2 jib build is not reproducible
#4163 opened by golosegor - 1
- 0
- 23
Jib 3.4.2 build fails
#4235 opened by artemptushkin - 2
jvmFlags.add throws UnsupportedOperationException in gradle jib plugin
#4222 opened by pavlovicaleksandar - 2
Rewrite example Gradle projects in Kotlin
#4149 opened by KengoTODA - 8
Can't build multi arch images on M1 chips (Jib 3.4.1+) (Works on x64 chips)
#4239 opened by rsmartins78 - 0
Image pull fails when repository answers with optional unsupported WWW-Authenticate header
#4187 opened by kosi2801 - 1
extraDirectories directory that doesn't exist locally: in command-line(-Djib.extraDirectories.paths)
#4184 opened by cebrailinanc - 4
Hi, I am trying to call the python script from Spring boot Java application which is containerized with Google Jib.
#4185 opened by NitinSharma1991 - 2
JIB-CLI uses outdated classname in entrypoint when dockerzing a Spring-Boot-3.2 executable JAR.
#4175 opened by stefan-prange - 1
Jib CLI base image cache problem
#4230 opened by scrat98 - 4
Intermittent AccessDeniedException on Windows moving file from AppData\Local\Temp to target\jib-cache\selectors
#4183 opened by jdoylei - 2
When will support Java 21 be added?
#4169 opened by bcg-siingkim - 0
Plugin Release v3.4.2-gradle
#4226 opened by github-actions - 0
Plugin Release v3.4.2-maven
#4228 opened by github-actions - 3
Release jib cli v0.13.0 ?
#4242 opened by alexciouca - 0
CLI Release v0.13.0-cli
#4246 opened by github-actions - 3
Publish a release with #4204
#4219 opened by glasser - 0
Core Release v0.27.0-core
#4224 opened by github-actions - 2
Gradle configuration cache support
#4202 opened by artemptushkin - 4
Missing buildplan on gradle plugin jib extension
#4150 opened by muhrifqii - 1
publsish jib-cli as maven artifacts
#4148 opened by maxandersen - 5
Jib Ubuntu and MacOS Continuous Builds are failing
#4211 opened by mpeddada1 - 1
- 2
- 0
Empty folders in the /app/resources directory slow down resource file scanning
#4209 opened by gubiao - 3
Google Jib generated Spring Boot docker images are not starting with Docker 25 version
#4181 opened by eazybytes - 1
- 14
Unrecognized field "LayerSources" with Docker 25.0.0 and from image "docker://"
#4171 opened by derkoe - 0
Plugin Release v3.4.1-maven
#4196 opened by github-actions - 0
Plugin Release v3.4.1-gradle
#4198 opened by github-actions - 0
Core Release v0.26.0-core
#4194 opened by github-actions - 0
Support custom http headers in auth scope
#4199 opened by dzikoysk - 4
- 15
Exclude folders not working
#4186 opened by skumaravelan - 1
It's likely that one of the dependencies that have the same name will not have their jar included in the image
#4179 opened by erdi - 1
How to activate debugging in a JIB image ?
#4166 opened by nicolasduminil - 1
how to fix Build an OCI image index is not yet supported
#4164 opened by zclcs - 1
- 16
When using jib core to build an image, how to login and authenticate the from image?
#4155 opened by gluo1130 - 1
- 22
Main class was not found for Spring Boot 3.1 and 3.2
#4154 opened by andytael - 3
maven jib unable to pull base image : The named manifest is not known to the registry. 404
#4153 opened by prashant82singh