
There are 137 repositories under jib topic.

  • GoogleContainerTools/jib

    🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.

  • ivangfr/springboot-keycloak-openldap

    The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, called simple-service, and secure it with Keycloak. Furthermore, the API users will be loaded into Keycloak from OpenLDAP server.

  • sbt-jib/sbt-jib

    sbt version of sbt jib: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib

  • ivangfr/graalvm-quarkus-micronaut-springboot

    The goal of this project is to compare some Java Microservice Frameworks like: Quarkus, Micronaut and Spring Boot. For it, we will implement applications using those frameworks, build their JVM and Native Docker images and measure start-up times, memory footprint, etc.

  • ivangfr/springboot-kafka-connect-jdbc-streams

    Project goal: Explore Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Streams. Components: store-api: Inserts/updates MySQL records. Source Connectors: Monitor MySQL changes, push messages to Kafka. Sink Connectors: Listen to Kafka, insert/update Elasticsearch docs. store-streams: Listens to Kafka, processes with Kafka Streams, pushes new messages to Kafka.

  • ivangfr/spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch

    The goal of this project is to implement a "News" processing pipeline composed of five Spring Boot applications: producer-api, categorizer-service, collector-service, publisher-api and news-client.

  • Albertoimpl/k8s-for-the-busy

    Kubernetes for the busy developer - A practical guide

  • ivangfr/springboot-elk-prometheus-grafana

    The goal of this project is to implement a Spring Boot application, called movies-api, and use Filebeat & ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to collect and visualize application's logs and Prometheus & Grafana to monitor application's metrics.

  • maeddes/options-galore-container-build

    Sample code and instructions for steps through different container image build options.

  • ivangfr/springboot-kafka-websocket

    The goal of this project is to implement two Spring Boot applications: bitcoin-api and bitcoin-client. The bitcoin-api application simulates BTC price changes, while the bitcoin-client application listens to these changes and updates a real-time UI. The bitcoin-client UI is secured using Basic Authentication.

  • piomin/course-kubernetes-microservices

    Source code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices On Kubernetes

  • ivangfr/springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers

    The goals of this project are: 1) Create a Spring Boot application that manages books, called book-service; 2) Use Keycloak as OpenID Connect Provider; 3) Test using Testcontainers; 4) Explore the utilities and annotations that Spring Boot provides when testing applications.

  • ivangfr/springboot-ldap-testcontainers

    The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, named 'simple-service,' and secure it using the Spring Security LDAP module. Additionally, Testcontainers will be utilized for integration testing.

  • ivangfr/axon-springboot-websocket

    The goal is to explore Axon. We will develop a food-ordering app comprising 3 Spring Boot applications: customer-service, restaurant-service, and food-ordering-service. These services are implemented with CQRS and Event Sourcing, utilizing the Axon Framework. They connect to axon-server, which serves as the Event Store and Message Routing solution.

  • ahmsay/Solidvessel

    A shopping application designed with microservices architecture

  • ivangfr/spring-cloud-stream-event-sourcing-testcontainers

    Goal: create a Spring Boot application that handles users using Event Sourcing. So, whenever a user is created, updated, or deleted, an event informing this change is sent to Kafka. Also, we will implement another application that listens to those events and saves them in Cassandra. Finally, we will use Testcontainers for end-to-end testing.

  • ivangfr/spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records

    In this project, we will implement two Spring Boot Java Web application called, streamer-data-jpa and streamer-data-r2dbc. They both will fetch 1 million of customer's data from MySQL and stream them to Kafka. The main goal is to compare the application's performance and resource utilization.

  • ivangfr/spring-webflux-reactive-databases

    The goal of this project is to play with Spring WebFlux on client and server side. For it, we will implement some Spring Boot Java Web applications, product-api, customer-api, order-api and client-shell, and use reactive NoSQL database like Cassandra, MongoDB, Postgres and MySQL.

  • ivangfr/springboot-graphql-databases

    The goal of this project is to explore GraphQL. For it, we will implement two microservices: author-book-api and book-review-api.

  • ivangfr/springboot-kong-keycloak

    Goal: create a Spring Boot app called book-service accessible only through the Kong API gateway. In Kong, the kong-oidc plugin will be installed, enabling communication between Kong and Keycloak. This setup ensures that when Kong receives a request for book-service, it validates the request in conjunction with Keycloak to ensure its authenticity.

  • ivangfr/springboot-rsocket-webflux-aop

    The goal of this project is to play with RSocket protocol. For it, we will implement three Spring Boot Java applications, movie-server, movie-client-shell and movie-client-ui. As storage, it's used the reactive NoSQL database MongoDB. All the streaming of movie events and the logging are handling by AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming).

  • piomin/kubernetes-quickstart

    Demo Java apps for several scenarios on Kubernetes

  • ivangfr/springboot-vault-examples

    The goal of this project is to explore the capabilities of Vault. To achieve this, we will develop applications that utilize Vault for storing and retrieving secrets. Vault dynamically generates credentials for accessing databases and relies on Consul as the backend. The authentication method employed in Vault is AppRole.

  • lotharschulz/ktorjib

    Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes with Kotlin, Ktor, Gradle, Jib, Skaffold and Kubernetes (EKS)

  • peter-evans/kotlin-jib

    Containerising Kotlin with Jib

  • ivangfr/spring-kafka-de-serialization-types

    The goal is to play with Spring Kafka. We've implemented 5 examples of producer and consumer services that exchanges messages through Kafka using different types of serialization and approaches.

  • ivangfr/springboot-aws-localstack-dynamodb-lambda-sns-sqs

    In this project, we are going to use LocalStack to simulate locally, some services provided by AWS Cloud such as: DynamoDB, Lambda, SNS and SQS. Also, in order to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we are going to use Spring Cloud AWS.

  • ivangfr/springboot-elasticsearch-thymeleaf

    The goal of this project is to implement an application called product-app. It consists of two Spring Boot services: product-api (backend) and product-ui (frontend). Data will be stored in Elasticsearch

  • pdf-merger


    A simple Java webapp to merge PDFs

  • MathieuSoysal/jib-container-publish.yml

    GitHub Actions for your Java project to build container with jib and publish it to GitHub Packages.

  • az82/micronaut-opa-demo

    Micronaut / OPA (Open Policy Agent) demo

  • johnnymillergh/muscle-and-fitness-server

    Muscle & Fitness server. A Spring Cloud microservice-based, modern clean architecture (DDD), back-end server for managing data of muscle and fitness.

  • briandealwis/cram

    Command-line utility for creating container images from file-system content without Docker

  • coollog/micronaut-jib

    Dockerize and run a "Hello World" Micronaut app.

  • ivangfr/spring-cloud-stream-kafka-multi-topics

    The goal of this project is to create two applications: one as a Spring Boot producer and the other as a Spring Boot consumer. We'll be using Spring for Apache Kafka and Spring Cloud Stream.

  • ivangfr/springboot-aws-localstack-opensearch-s3-secretsmanager

    In this project, we are going to use LocalStack to simulate locally, some services provided by AWS Cloud such as OpenSearch, S3, and Secrets Manager. Also, in order to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we are going to use Spring Cloud AWS.
