
A signature parser for hikari's command handler tanjun.

Primary LanguagePython


A signature parser for hikari's command handler tanjun.

Finally be able to define your commands without those bloody decorator chains!


async def command(
    ctx: tanjun.abc.SlashContext,
    integer: int = 0,
    flag: bool = False,
    channel: typing.Optional[hikari.GuildTextChannel] = None,
    """Small tanchi command

    integer : int
        Any integer value.
    flag : bool
        Whether this flag should be enabled.
    channel : hikari.GuildTextChannel
        The channel to target.


Ordinary Types

All builtin types supported in slash commands (str, int, float, bool) do not need any special care.

option: str


Choices can either be made with typing.Literal or enum.Enum

option: typing.Literal["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
class MyEnum(enum.IntEnum):
    foo = 1
    bar = 2
    baz = 3

option: MyEnum


Integer and float options support min and max boundaries. These can be set with tanchi.Range. The type of the option is discerned from the boundaries.

int_option: tanchi.Range[1, 10]
float_option: tanchi.Range[0.0, 1.0]


Channels types may be enforced with the help of typing.Union. If you want all channel types use hikari.GuildChannel

option: typing.Union[hikari.GuildTextChannel, hikari.GuildNewsChannel]


Types are implicitly converted if a builtin tanjun converter is available.

option: hikari.Emoji

To provide your own converter you can use tanchi.Converted.

option: tanchi.Converted[int, round]


Instead of using a decorator, autocompleters can be provided directly in the annotation with tanchi.Autocompleted.

option: tanchi.Autocompleted[autocomplete_callback]

Since converters and autocompletion are often used together you can provide a converter directly.

option: tanchi.Autocompleted[autocomplete_callback, converter_callback]

MyPy compatibility

Because mypy does not respect __class_getitem__ you'll most likely have to use typing.Annotated for some cases.

option: typing.Annotated[int, tanchi.Range(1, 10)]
option: typing.Annotated[int, tanchi.Converted(range)]
option: typing.Annotated[str, tanchi.Autocompleted(autocomplete_callback)]


Tanchi parses descriptions from docstrings.

Examples of all supported formats:


"""Command description on a single line

foo : OptionType
    Description for the option named "foo"
    Description for the option named "bar"


"""Command description on a single line

    foo (OptionType): Description for the option named "foo"
    bar: Description for the option named "bar"

Autocompletion Examples

Instead of using context.set_choices you can choose to return options as either a sequence or a mapping.

async def command(context: tanjun.abc.SlashContext, option: str) -> None:

@tanchi.with_autocomplete(command, "option")
def autocomplete_names(context: tanjun.abc.AutocompleteContext, option: str):
    return [word for word in WORDS if option.lower() in word.lower()]

Returning the options is also supported inside Autocompleted