
An open access, contributer-led database of emission factors, validated by the team at Climatiq



Welcome to the Open Emission Factors Database (OEFDB) on github. This is the home of an open access database of emission factors, designed to be constantly updated by contributors across the spectrum of sustainability researchers and professionals. It is freely available to all (see sharealike license in this repository), and maintained and validated by the team at https://climatiq.io.

Our ambition is for this to be the world's most granular, accurate and up-to-date emission factor database, for all to use in their efforts to drive action on the climate crisis.

Along with the database, Climatiq also provides a free REST API to allow anyone to query the data as needed. It will update weekly to reflect the contents of the OEFDB and is cached globally to provide extremely low latency and processing time (not to mention emissions!)

For more detail on the API see here: https://docs.climatiq.io/ (also currently the best place to get more detail about the OEFDB).

We will be providing some best practice guidelines to using GitHub for data management in the near future - in the meantime if you have any questions, please get in touch on github and we will gladly help!


See the contribution guide for detailed instructions on how to contribute to the OEFDB on GitHub. Once you have familiarised yourself with the process, please do review our data guidance to understand how data needs to be formatted when contributing.