
🤗 Transfomers for identification English potential idiomatic expressions (PIEs) in text

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Idioms spotter

🤗 Transformers for identification English potentials idiomatic expressions (PIE) in text.

Alt text


Result dataset is available for download from the Hugging Face hub:
Dataset page

The dataset is based on MAGPIE and PIE corpuses:

The full data preparation pipeline available in data_preparation notebook. To obtain the json source files, run:

bash scripts/download_raw_datasets.sh 

Note that the PIE corpus needs to be further enriched with data in order to obtain suggestions and context. More details can be found here

You can download both raw and already enriched data from here.

Supported models

The list of supported for training models is determined by their support in the AutoModelForTokenClassification and AutoTokenizer classes.

For example, the following models are trainable:

  • BERT
  • RoBERTa
  • DistilBERT
  • ConvBERT

Fine-tuned models

The following fine-tuned models are available on Hugging Face model hub:

Model Loss F1 Precision Recall
XLM Roberta base 0.095 0.856 0.836 0.876

All metrics are obtained on the validation part of the dataset

Training from scratch

To set up the environment, follow these steps:

conda create -n idioms python=3.8
conda activate idioms
pip3 install poetry==1.5.1
poetry install --only main

The following example shows how to fine-tune XLM-RoBERTa:

python3 ./sripts/model/train.py \
  --model_name_or_path xlm-roberta-base\
  --output_dir ./models/xlm-roberta-base-pie \
  --num_train_epochs 10 \
  --seed 42 \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 16 \
  --log_level info \
  --weight_decay 0.01 \
  --logging_steps 1000 \
  --load_best_model_at_end True \
  --metric_for_best_model f1 \
  --greater_is_better True \
  --do_train True \
  --do_eval True \
  --report_to="wandb" \
  --evaluation_strategy epoch \
  --save_strategy epoch 

The code will either run on a pre-saved model from the selected folder or download a model from huggingface.co/models based on the model identifier. Training can be continued from the selected checkpoint as well. The full list of training parameters is available here

Alternatively, you can specify model and training params in train.sh

bash scripts/train.sh

Model evaluation

You can re-configure ./sripts/model/train.py input parameters for only model validation mode.
Alternatively, you can specify model in eval.sh

bash scripts/eval.sh

In addition to the wandb metrics report, you'll get detailed information on each class of NER tags. An example of such report:

Confusion Matrix:
             | O            B-PIE        I-PIE       
O            | 0.981        0.004        0.015       
B-PIE        | 0.003        0.980        0.018       
I-PIE        | 0.002        0.003        0.994       

Class-wise Metrics:
O          Precision: 0.781 | Recall: 0.981 | F1-score: 0.870
B-PIE      Precision: 0.787 | Recall: 0.980 | F1-score: 0.873
I-PIE      Precision: 1.000 | Recall: 0.994 | F1-score: 0.997

Micro-average Metrics:
Precision: 0.994 | Recall: 0.994 | F1-score: 0.994

Macro-average Metrics:
Precision: 0.856 | Recall: 0.985 | F1-score: 0.913

Running web app with API

The application consists of two containers:

  • Model backend based on FastAPI
  • Web application build on Streamlit

Use run_api.sh to start it. Note, that script automatically download model from the Hugging Face hub if it doesn't saved in /models folder

bash run_app.sh <model_name_or_path> [<force_download>]


  • model_name_or_path - path to model folder or model id in the HuggingFace hub
  • force_download - optional parameter (default is False). If True, the model will be forcibly downloaded from the hub, even if it has already been saved.

For example:

chmod +x run_app.sh
bash run_app.sh Gooogr/xlm-roberta-base-pie 

Alternatively, you can specify path to pre-saved model folder by passing it as environment variable in docker-compose.yaml:

MODEL_PATH=<relative_path_to_model> docker compose up --build

For example:

MODEL_PATH=./models/xlm-roberta-base-pie docker compose up --build


Distributed under the MIT License.