
This project belongs to @rohitsaluja22. I have just added the requested feature.

Ubuntu and Qt version

Compiled and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with Qt 5.14.2


  1. Install Qt 5
  • $ sudo apt-get install qt5-default
  1. Open terminal in OpenOCRCorrect folder and run the following commands
  • $ qmake
  • $ make

How to run the code?

To execute the file in OpenOCRCorrect folder

  • $ ./qpadfinal

What has been done?

Bold/ un-bold of an individual text has been added.


  • Loading the dictionary before opening any final crashes the app after a right-click in the textBrowser window.
  • Type in slp1 format and press “Cntrl+d” to change the text under cursor to Devanagari. There are some issues in the format. Eg: % -> ॐ instead of ऩ् as mentioned in the application's slp1 guide.


The bold feature is present under the menubar item 'Edit'. The challenge I faced was that when after creating a slot for bold and building the code, it showed the following error: Class Ui_MainWindow has no such member actionBold. Solution: I deleted the file ui_mainwindow.h and then in the projects panel in QtCreator I unchecked/checked the shadow build checkbox.


The following two features are added

  • Bold: Selected text can be made bold/ un-bold using Ctrl+B or using Edit->Bold
