
Network Analysis of Google Playstore Apps

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PlayStore Network Science

We focused on analyzing the apps from the Google Play store that provides a wide range of data features (price, rating, etc.). A network of apps is formed usingthe scraped data from the official play store website and different centrality measures were analyzed. We checked the scale-free nature of the network and evaluated 3network community detection algorithms which led to interesting results. Our findings leverage graph theory and network analysis.

For a more information regarding the project, see the project report. Not all the data, but some data can be found here.

Scraping App Data

Data was scraped using google-play-scraper. scrape.js scrapes the data. search_terms.js was used to find search terms related to the categories name (search_terms.txt) and then search_scrape.js was used to scrape the data considering the searched terms. All the scraped app data is stored in Data directory.

App Dataset Formation

Dataset_formation.ipynb contains the code to form the dataset of the app data. Data_Null directory was created as a supplement. The finl dataset is in Dataset.csv.

Reviews Data Scraping

For review scraping use this python package. The code is in Reviews_Scraping.ipynb.

Network Data Structuring

Code is in Network_data_structuring.ipynb. A folder Netowrk_Data was created in which app data is put along with the name of the reviewers who reviewed the app in json format. A sample file is present in this repo sample_network_structured_data.json.

Network Data Formation

In continuation from the previous step, a file Reviewers.csv is created which contains reviewer's name and the corresponding app reviewed. Note the the column name can have duplicates. A sample of the data is shown below. review

A nodes.json file is created. Edges basic data is created in Network_data_formation.ipynb which contains number of reviewers files. Each file represents a reviewer and contains the apps reviewed by him/her in json format. An example file is shown sample_edge_basic.json.

Edge Clique Formation

Using the data obtained from the previous step, we create cliques of the apps reviewed by a particular reviewer(batch-wise). The code is in Edge_clique_formation.ipynb. Some reviewer's were skipped who had reviewed more than 46 apps (as the clique size went to approx 2000 edges). Their names are stored in fails.txt. I have not considered the apps data of fails.txt in network formation because they were taking huge amount of memory and time. A sample file is sample_edge_clique_formation.json

Joining Files

The code for joining all the files obtained from previous step to form 1 file of edges is in Edge_formation_join_files.ipynb. Although 1 single file is not created (due to RAM issues); the code creates several json files (batch-wise).

Network in csv

Earlier, we were using json files but as they take lot of storage, we started to work with csv files. Network_csv.ipynb contains the code to form 1 single edges csv file. The final edges file is Edges.csv and nodes file is Dataset.csv.

Graph Sampling

Since it was not possible for us to work on such a huge network, we took a sample out of it using this library. The code for sampling is in shrinkatinator.ipynb and the sampled network is in Sampled Graph.

Network Analysis

Original Network

Some analysis done on the original network is present in Network Analysis Orig.ipynb.

Sampled Network

Most of the analysis was done on the sampled network and can be found in Analysis on Sampled Network.ipynb. Columns were added to Dataset.csv during the analysis is present in WIP directory.