
ESPN cricket scraper using Node and Puppeteer to fetch details such as player stats, teams, etc.,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ESPN Cricket API

ESPN Cricket API is a Node JS library for fetching data such as player details, team players list, search players, etc.,


npm install espn-cricket-api



const espn = require("espn-cricket-api");

All the below functions return promise

1. Get list of teams

const teams = await espn.getTeams();

2. Get list of players in a team

const teamPlayers = await espn.getTeamPlayers({
  teamID: "6",
  teamSlug: "india"

3. Get details of a player

const playerDetails = await espn.getPlayerDetails({
  playerID: "253802",
  teamSlug: "india"

4. Search for players by keyword

const searchResults = await espn.search({
 query: "virat",
 limit: 10


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
