
ALGORITHMS .Count_Inversion - Given an array, return a number of pair (i,j) such that i<j and a[i]>a[j] in O(n).

.FindRank - It is a las vegas randamise algorithm to find rank of a number. Time complexity of the algorithm is on average O(n)

.Next_greatest_element - Given a array, return a array containig index of element, with greater value and lesser index difference in O(n)

.Rabin Karp - It is a pattern search algorithm of order O(n+m) where n,m : length of two strings

.Expression Evaluation - evaluates given mathematical expression using stacks

.Sieve Of Eratosthenes - Best Known algorithm to find all prime numbers Between 1 to n in O(n)

.Longest_Common_Substring - Given two strings, returns longest common substring with the help of rolling hash and Binary .Search. Time complexity is O(nlogn)

.Merge Sort - T(n) = O(nlogn)

.Quicksort - T(n) = O(nlogn)

.Graph Theory

.Dijkstra's Algorithm - Single Source Shortest Path problem T(n) = O((E+V)logV) using min heap

.Depth First Search

.Breath First Search

.Prims Algorithm - To find min span tree

.Bellman Ford Algorithm

.Data strucures

.Linked List




.Binary Heap(Min)

.Binary Indexed Tree

.Segment Tree

.Segment Tree with Lazy Propogation

.AVL_Tree (Balanced Binary Search Tree)

.Red Black Tree