
ETL Data Warehouse Testing and Data Quality Management using Postgres

Primary LanguageTSQL


ETL Data Warehouse Testing and Data Quality Management using Postgres

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



Step by step instructions on how to get a working version of the project on your local machine:

$ git clone <repo>
$ cd ./<repo>

docker-compose up

This will fetch the latest postgres docker image. On start-up it will copy and run the init scripts to setup a DB called postgres with a public schema. The data folder is copied to the container and the scripts will insert the data into the postgres DB. The DB connection: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres

Running the tests

An explanation on how to run any automated tests that relate to the project.

Clean up

remove containers & volumes

docker-compose down -v

remove any unused containers

docker system prune -a

remove any unused volumes

docker volume prune


Commands to help debug issues

Exec into docker:

docker exec -it dataetl-data-warehouse_db_1 bin/bash

Running queries in container

docker exec -it dataetl-data-warehouse_db_1 psql -U postgres postgres

Exit container:


