
From basic tricks & tips to shell scripting projects

Primary LanguageShell


Introduction to shell scripting, some exercises and projects

Project title

This project is broken into sections:

  • basics (These are basic commands and permisions information)
  • conditions (Examples include: for loops, while loops, case etc.)
  • functions (Making use of functions in bash)
  • playground (Act as a storage for dummy files etc.)
  • exercises (Taking all we have learnt to build some shell scripts)
  • projects (This real world word search project make use of most features and commands)
  • common_mistakes.sh (Expose common mistakes made and learnt from)


It is recommended you download a text editor (any one of the following):

  • TextMate
  • Sublime Text (Recommend)
  • Atom
  • MacVim
  • Brackets


Step by step instructions on how to get a working version of the project on your local machine, such as

$ git clone <repo>
$ cd ./<repo>

Running the scripts

Run scripts bash [directory] Example: bash ./projects/1_project_word_search.sh


Bash Shell Scripting