Gopxfs's Stars
Ubuntu package for RVM
This project displays the art collection using the Metropolitan Museum of Art API. For this project we used HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webpack and Jest.
In this project I made an interactive To-Do List where the user can add, remove and check daily tasks. All changes are saved in local storage. HTML/CSS/JS.
This project is based on an online website for a conference by Cindy Shin in Behance. HTML/CSS/JS.
This is a repo for building my own portfolio. I imitated Figma template 5. It is just a template it does not contain any of my actual work. HTML/CSS/JS.
This is a project where I test some simple function using Jest. JS/Jest.
this is an Ethereum nft market place for for selling tutorial videos and was built with solidity
This is my personal portfolio that consists of all projects I have worked on, source codes and links to live demo.
This is a simple web app that allows a user add list of tasks that needs to be completed. It is built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server.
A webpage where the user can search for different TV shows, comment them and like them.
Players Stats is an application built with React and Redux that allows users to check statistical and general information about the Premier League players. Users can check the teams that played a specific Premier League season, check the players of the selected team, filter them by their positions, goals, assists, etc, and check information about a specific player.
This application was made by creating our API, using Ruby on Rails, containing some Tesla models' info in our database. In the front end, made with React & Redux, the user is allowed to create an account and book any of the cars we have displayed. Admin users can add entirely new models by sending data to the API.
This is a SPA (Single Page App) that retrieves the GDP data from the World Bank API. The site is developed using React for the frontend, Redux to keep the state of the App, testing with JEST and the React Testing Library, and style using SASS.
This SPA allows you to monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for each region of the UK and the nation itself. CO2 emissions are updated every half hour. The App contains a search field for the user to quickly look up the region of interest. Also, it displays a details page for every region showing the CO2 percentage contribution by energy source.
For this group project we developed a Ruby App that seizes OOP concepts to create a catalog of different types of elements that inherit properties of a base class.
This website allows the user to add a book, display a list of them, and remove any. Built with: React & Redux, Javascript.
Finapp is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget. It allows the user to handle transactions associated with a category to see how much money has been spent and on what.
This is the back-end of the Ducati rentals app. It is a rails API made to serve as the database to the front-end built with React.
This is an application created with JavaScript that can add, store and also remove books from a list
A JavaScript project for a Leaderboard list app, using webpack and ES6 features, notably modules. This application records scores for a game for different players
"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. A simple website that allows user to create a To-do list.
Microverse Capstone project for a Metric Webbapp
A console app will help you to keep a record of books, music albums, movies, and games. JSON files store the data. Build with Ruby, PostgreSQL, and Rspec.
The Ducati rentals app allows users to sign up or log in to select and reserve a bike model of their liking no matter what city they are in. Also, users can check their reservations in the reserve section. Additionally, if you don't like any of our models you can delete them or upload your own to rent them to other people.
In this project, we create a console app where you can keep a catalog of books, games, music albums, and movies with their respective label, author, genre, and source. Built with Ruby and SQL.
The recipe app will let you create a user, login to your profile, see a list of public recipes, create or delete food recipes, food items, and access to the recipe details where you can generate a shopping list for that specific recipe. Built with Ruby on Rails.
Catalogue of my things is an app that can be run on the console. It has input of data and also stores it in json format which can be read again after exiting the whole app.
This project involves creating a console app that helps one keep a record of different types of things they own: books, music albums, movies, and games. Everything is based on the UML class diagram presented below. The data is stored in JSON files but a database ia also prepared with tables structure analogical to the program's class structure. structure.