
GWSstarter Theme is a Custom WordPress development theme for Gordon Web Studio.

Primary LanguagePHP


GWSstarter Theme is a Custom WordPress development theme for Gordon Web Studio. It's built using to main coding techs:

  • WP Rig Development Theme, A progressive theme development rig for WordPress, WP Rig is built to promote the latest best practices for progressive web content and optimization.

  • Tailwindcss , A utility-first CSS framework to build modern websites.


  • PHP, MySQL and a webserver are required.

  • NPM with NodeJS and Composer (installed globally) are required for development.

Getting Started

Step 1: Set WP env

Install only the theme and plugins using a WP instance from your preferred WP dev env tool (WP Local, DevKinsta, mamp, xampp).

  • Once WordPress is installed, open the OS terminal and enter/move into wp-content folder in the Project path.

  • Clone this project repo from the installed WP ROOT folder into a temp folder git clone [repo url] temp

  • Merge the files from temp to current root folder rsync -arvzP temp/* .

  • Also merge the hidden dotfiles rsync -arvzP temp/.[^.]* .

  • Delete the temp rm -rf temp/

Step 2: Pull/Sync DB from DEV/PROD Server

  • If it's initial setup without DEV/PROD sync, activate gwsstarter-dev theme from WP Admin panel -> Appearance -> Themes, and skip the rest of steps from this section.

  • Under WP Admin Panel go to plugins section and activate the plugins: WP Sync DB and WP Sync DB Media Files.

  • Pull/Sync latest DB from DEV/PROD server: Go to Tools/Migrate DB and, on the Migrate Tab, choose Pull option and enter the DEV Server connection info (Site URL + Secret key).

  • Set desire options, ex. you would like to activate the Media Files to import images used on DEV/PROD Server.

  • If your local env don't use https make sure to change find/replace options including the corresponding HTTP protocol, Ex. https://gwsstarter.com => http://gwsstarter.wp

  • Did you forget to check if your local support https? You will need to access the wordpress_db DB, look into [wpprefix]_options table and change the option siteurl and home to use http.

  • Save Migration Profile for future DB synchronization

  • Press Migrate DB and Save.

  • Remember: Once Migration is finished, if you sync all DB tables including wp_users, remember that your local user has been overrode, WP will ask you to login again and only DB/PROD administrator users credentials will be accepted.

Step 3: Start Coding and add new features.

Under themes folder there are 2 themes folders gwsstarter-dev that should used only for development, and gwsstarter-theme (compiled and compressed assets and clean version) for production.

While you're working on your gwsstarter-dev you will need to install all packages and dependencies from package.json.

  • On OS terminal, move to gwsstarter-dev theme folder by running cd themes/gwsstarter-dev/

  • Once you're in the gwsstarter-dev theme folder in command line, open project with your favorite code editor, if you use Visual Studio you can use code . from terminal.

  • Place local-only theme settings in ./config/config.json, e.g. potentially sensitive info like the BrowserSync proxyURL and paths to your certificate. - Again, only include the settings you want to override.

If your local environment uses a specific port number, for example 8888, add it to the proxyURL setting as follows:

"proxyURL": "gwsstarter.wp:8081"
  • In command line, run npm run rig-init to install necessary node and Composer dependencies.
$ npm run rig-init

How to build WP Rig for production:

  1. Follow the steps above to install WP Rig.

  2. Run npm run bundle from inside the gwsstarter-dev development theme.

  3. A new, production ready theme gwsstarter-theme will be generated in wp-content/themes.

  4. The production theme can be activated or uploaded to a production environment.

Available Processes

dev watch process

npm run dev will run the default development task that processes source files. While this process is running, source files will be watched for changes and the BrowserSync server will run. This process is optimized for speed so you can iterate quickly.

dev build process

npm run build processes source files one-time. It does not watch for changes nor start the BrowserSync server.

translate process

The translation process generates a .pot file for the theme in the ./languages/ directory.

The translation process will run automatically during production builds unless the export:generatePotFile configuration value in ./config/config.json is set to false.

The translation process can also be run manaually with npm run translate. However, unless NODE_ENV is defined as production the .pot file will be generated against the source files, not the production files.

production bundle process

npm run bundle generates a production ready theme as a new theme directory and, optionally, a .zip archive. This builds all source files, optimizes the built files for production, does a string replacement and runs translations. Non-essential files from the wp-rig development theme are not copied to the production theme.

To bundle the theme without creating a zip archive, define the export:compress setting in ./config/config.json to false:

export: {
	compress: false

Gulp process

WP Rig uses a Gulp 4 build process to generate and optimize the code for the theme. All development is done in the gwsstarter-dev development theme. Feel free to edit any .php files. Asset files (CSS, JavaScript and images) are processed by gulp. You should only edit the source asset files in the following locations:

  • CSS: assets/css/src

  • JavaScript: assets/js/src

  • images: assets/images/src

Updating to Gulp 4

Gulp 4 uses an updated CLI (Command Line Interface). If the computer you are using already has Gulp installed, there is a good chance you have an older version of the CLI and you will encounter errors when trying to run WP Rig.

To update the Gulp CLI to work with Gulp 4, run the following commands in the command line terminal:

# Uninstall Gulp globally:
npm uninstall gulp -g

# Install the latest version of the Gulp 4 CLI globally:
npm install gulpjs/gulp-cli -g

You may have to run npm install again from the WP Rig directory to ensure Gulp 4 is installed and ready to run.

Tailwindcss process

  • Global tailwindcss options are located on ./config/config.json file.
    "dev": {
        "tailwindcss": {
            "config": "./tailwind-gwsstarter.config.js",
            "purgecss": true
  • Tailwindcss use it's own config file ./tailwind-gwsstarter.config.js

  • If you wish to prevent PurgeCSS from removing a specific CSS selector, use tailwind-safelist.js file to add css classes to safelist option on PurgeCSS process.

  • A global tailwind-default.config.js file is added just for reference.