WordPress Accumulations Plugin

Version 0.0.0

by Bain Design

WordPress Setup

If you just want to install the plugin and display your air quality data on your website, here's what you need to do.

  • Download the plugin .zip archive and unpack it.
  • Locate the plugin file and upload to your website Plugins folder.
  • Log into WordPress and activate the plugin.
  • Once the plugin is activated... COMING SOON!


If you want to collaborate on this plugin or fork your own version, here's a brief guide.

VVV Setup

Add the following to your VVV config.yml

    skip_provisioning: false
    repo: https://github.com/markbaindesign/wp-accumulations.git
      - wp-accumulations.test
      delete_default_plugins: true
        - transients-manager
        - query-monitor
        WP_DEBUG: true
        WP_DEBUG_LOG: true
        WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: false


WP CLI is your friend. Here are some commands to make testing a breeze.

wp db tables --all-tables
wp db query 'SELECT * FROM wp_bd_accumulations_accumulation_data'
wp db query 'SELECT * FROM wp_bd_accumulations_accumulation_data ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10'
wp db query 'SELECT * FROM wp_bd_accumulations_mantra_data'
wp option get baindesign_foobot_api_settings

Changes to table structure

When changing the database table, you must also:

  1. Update the database version function
  2. Deactivate the plugin
  3. Reactivate the plugin

...in order for the changes to take effect.