GastCoCo v1.0 Building...

1. Introduction

This repo contains all the source code to build GastCoCo. (GastCoCo: Graph Storage and Coroutine-Based Prefetch Co-Design for Dynamic Graph Processing)

2. Installation

2.1 Software Requirements

  • GCC >= 10.3.0
  • NUMA
  • CMAKE >= 3.14
  • gflags >= 2.2.2
  • Linux/Unix

2.2 Setup

cd GastCoCo
mkdir build && cd build
# CM is used to specify that the chunk size in CBList is an integer multiple of the cache line size.
# If set to 0 or left unspecified, the default setting will be used.
cmake --DCM=[0/1/2/4/8/16] .. --DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

3. How to Run

# old version
./toolkit/coSSSP [data] [datainfo] [thread] [coro] [source]
./toolkit/coPageRank [data] [datainfo] [thread] [coro] [iter]
./toolkit/coBatchInsert [data] [datainfo] [thread] [coro] [batchsize]
# rebuilding for new
./gastcoco --app=pagerank --t=[thread] --c=[coro] --i=[iter] --data=[datainfo] --cm
# parameter flag introduction
./gastcoco --help
# version
./gastcoco --version

4. Dataset

[data] format is [src-vertex dst-vertex weight]. By default, GastCoCo loads binary data files. Once you have prepared the [data], you can use "GastCoCo/others/datatoolkit/TransBinary" to convert it into a binary file, which will speed up data loading. If you prefer not to do this, you can modify the CBList constructor to use other data loading functions provided in "GastCoCo/other/graphIO.hpp."

[datainfo] format is [vertex-num edge-num].

[data] // Binary
0 1 300
1 2 100
3 4 50

5 3

#rebuilding for new
5 3