The World’s First Linux-based OS designed for Tablets
JingPad A1 - It is the World’s FIRST Consumer-level Linux Tablet.
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Our Opensource Project
JingCore-WindowManger JingCore-WindowManger is based on KDE Kwin , used to manage the application windows, and JingOS add more gestures and other functions that specially designed for a Tablet OS.
JingCore-CommonComponents JingCore-CommonComponents is based on KDE Kirigami, and add more components well designed for the Tablet OS.
JingSystemui-Launcher This is the Launhcer of JingOS, include Home, Dock, Notification, Control Panel, which is based on KDE plasma-phone-components.
JingApps-Photos Jing-Photos is based on Koko, a beautifully designed photos that conforms to the JingOS style and has a compatible pad / desktop experience.
JingApps-Kalk Jing-Kalk is based on Kalk. Jing-Kalk is a beautifully designed calculator that conforms to the JingOS style and Integrating the interactive experience of pad and PC.
JingApps-Haruna Video Player Jing-Haruna is an open source video player built with Qt/QML on top of libmpv.
JingApps-KRecorder Jing-KRecorder is based on KRecorder, a beautifully designed jing-krecorder that conforms to the JingOS style and has a compatible pad / desktop experience.
JingApps-KClock Jing-KClock is based on KClock, a beautifully designed clock that conforms to the JingOS style and has a compatible pad / desktop experience.
JingApps-Media-Player Jing-Media-Player is based on vvave, Support the scan and display of audio and video files that conforms to the JingOS style and has a compatible pad / desktop experience.
Mobile First, Well Designed
● iPadOS-like UI and UX
● Multi-Touch gestures supported
● Beautifully designed icons and animations
● Compatible with Surface Pro 6, Huawei Matebook 14…
JingOS Native Apps
JingOS comes with several basic mobile Linux apps, including Calendar, Timer, Files, Media Player, and Calculator.
Full-Function Linux That Can Run Desktop Apps
JingOS is a full-functional Linux based on Ubuntu. It can run desktop Linux apps like VS Code, LibreOffice, etc. JingOS is a productive OS designed specifically for tablets.
Support Trackpad Gestures
JingOS optimize the gestures for your trackpad too. You can use trackpad gestures similar to screen gestures. That makes you a better experience when you are using your device in laptop mode.
About us
JingOS is a product of Jingling Tech. Jing/鲸 means Whale, and Ling/鲮 means Dace Fish in Chinese. The logo of JingLing is two fishes together which means a small ecosystem.
We have a team of very experienced Linux experts who had previously worked at Lenovo, Alibaba, Samsung, Canonical/Ubuntu, Trolltech and other famous IT Companies.
We are based in Beijing and California.
Is JingOS going to be opensource? And free software?
Yes, JingOS will open-source step by step. We will update the Github project every half year. And JingOS will be free forever.
What is JingOS based on?
JingOS is based on Ubuntu 20.04, KDE v5.75, Plasma Mobile 5.20. We will replace the framework from Plasma Mobile to JDE (Jing Desktop Environment) later this year.
What’s the roadmap of JingOS?
I posted about Roadmap v1.0 of JingOS 90 in January. I will update the roadmap every quarter.
If JingOS is a tablet OS, does it require apps to respect the life cycle, like what happens when suspended? How does it manage permission? Is there a permission system like iOS? Are the apps sandboxed? If it can just run Linux apps, how would they respect life cycle, permission, and stuff? Will you use snap/flatpak for the permissions system?
Life-cycle management API will come with JingOS v0.8 in March, apps designed for JingOS can be suspended like any other tablet OSs. The permission system and app sandbox are still in discussion, not decided yet.
Compared to other Linux distros, is JingOS optimized for tablet only in the UI / specialized apps, or are there performance tweaks/features as well. Is it basically like a gnome / KDE but with a tablet first focussed, or are there any “lower-level” differences? What kind of lower-level differences? Drivers? Performance enhancements? What will it help Linux do on tablets especially?
JingOS v0.6 is mostly optimized only in the UI and specialized apps. But JingOS v0.8 would have lots of lower differences, like performance enhancements.
Do apps have to be created for JingOS to work well? Could I use Spotify or Discord apps on it, or would there need to be JingOS versions first? JingOS just run normal Linux apps, right? So we should be able to build and run Flutter desktop apps on it? Will JingOS support android apps? To fill the gap with missing popular apps.
Linux apps (.deb, etc.) can run in JingOS well. You can run Android apps in the JingOS ARM version after v1.0 in June.
JingOS v0.6: will be released on Jan 31, 2021. Has been tested on Surface Pro 6, Huawei Matebook 14. This is a preview version of JingOS. You can have the control panel and notification center on your Linux tablets just like the iPads! You can check the preview video of the JingOS v0.6 here 302.
JingOS v0.8: will be released on Mar 31, 2021. Huge updates will be available, including the JingOS App Store, Settings, File Managers, etc. And a whole new virtual keyboard designed for Linux will be available too. OTA will be functional since v0.8. Several other devices will be tested for JingOS v0.8 besides SP6 and HM14 mentioned above.
JingOS v1.0: will be released on Jun 30, 2021. Start supporting the JingPad C1, which is an ARM-based device.
We will release updates every month after June.
About open sourcing:
JingOS is based on Ubuntu 20.04, KDE v5.75, Plasma Mobile 5.20. We will replace the framework from Plasma Mobile to JDE (Jing Desktop Environment) later this year.
- 2021/1/16 First Look: Meet the New Linux Distro Inspired by the iPad https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/01/jingos-linux-distro-for-tablets-like-ipados
- 2021/1/17 JingOS: Linux Distro Inspired by the iPad (jingos.com) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25807792
- 2021/1/17 JingOS: from China the first Linux distro that simulates iPad OS, including mouse https://www.aroged.com/2021/01/17/jingos-from-china-the-first-linux-distro-that-simulates-ipad-os-including-mouse/
- 2021/1/18 This New Linux OS Sure Looks Like It Was Designed By Apple https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2021/01/18/this-new-linux-os-sure-looks-like-it-was-designed-by-apple/?sh=3f6a0d6d6bc0
- 2021/1/18 This New Linux OS Would Look Perfect On Your iPad https://medium.com/linuxforeveryone/what-if-your-ipad-was-powered-by-linux-ddc8710698d
- 2021/1/18 JingOS arrives as China’s first Linux Distro, offers iPadOS-like features and functions https://www.gizmochina.com/2021/01/18/jingos-china-first-linux-distro-ipados-like-features/
- 2021/1/18 JingOS on Real Device [Exclusive Video] https://shorts.letsfoss.com/jingos-on-real-device/
- 2021/1/19 New, ambitious project aims to bring Linux mobile devices back to the consumer market https://tuxphones.com/linux-distro-jingos-phone-qt-touch-friendly-jingotab/
- 2021/1/19 JingOS Linux release this month, looks a lot like iPadOS https://www.slashgear.com/jingos-linux-release-this-month-looks-a-lot-like-ipados-19655777/ English
- 2021/1/29 New Linux-based tablet OS – JingOS set for January 31 launch https://goodereader.com/blog/tablet-slates/new-linux-based-tablet-os-jingos-set-for-january-31-launch
- 2021/1/31 JingOS, the Linux Tablet Distro, Releases First Alpha Build JingOS, the Linux Tablet Distro, Releases First Alpha Build https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/01/download-jingos-linux-tablet-alpha-release
- 2021/2/1 JINGOS, DISTRO LINUX PER TABLET: DISPONIBILE LA PRIMA BUILD " https://www.lffl.org/2021/02/jingos-linux-tablet-prima-build.html"
- 2021/1/11 可运行全功能Linux,专为平板设计的JingOS系统来了 https://www.sohu.com/a/443936628_120873246
- 2021/1/14 JingOS-全球首个iPadOS风格,专为平板打造的Linux https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1688856306766562299&wfr=spider&for=pc
- 2021/1/19 基于 Linux 的平板 OS 发布,支持华为 Matebook 14 等设备 https://www.oschina.net/news/127042/ipad-style-linux-released
- 2021/1/19 基于Linux的平板OS发布,支持华为Matebook 14等设备 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HJJ5fbtzkcCzofCi7i1-_A
- 2021/1/19 JingOS发行版 - 为Linux平板带来类似iPadOS的生产力体验 https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/1079771.htm
- 2021/1/20 全球首个专为平板打造的Linux发行版,JingOS将可下载 https://www.163.com/dy/article/G0PI8J4505371T6U.html
- 2021/1/21 除了华为,**还有这么一家创业公司在做移动操作系统 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689503547375038431&wfr=spider&for=pc
- 2021/1/21 鲸鲮科技面向全球推出移动端操作系统JingOS,获得广泛认可 https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210121A0FK4X00
- 2021/1/23 **团队鲸鲮科技:一款面向未来的操作系统是什么样? https://36kr.com/p/1065213253068164
- 2021/1/25 鲸鲮科技推出JingOS 全球首个面向平板的Linux开源操作系统 https://news.qudong.com/article/749823.shtml
- 2021/1/25 **公司做的移动操作系统JingOS 还没正式发布就在全球开源社区火了 http://digital.it168.com/a2021/0125/6438/000006438678.shtml
- 2021/1/25 马斯克要做能替代安卓的操作系统?**团队JingOS抢先一步 https://new.qq.com/omn/20210125/20210125A0D9CJ00.html
- 2021/1/26 鲸鲮科技推出国产基于Linux系统的平板操作系统——Jing OS http://m.elecfans.com/article/1311325.html
- 2021/1/26 JingOS 0.6预览版已经发布,并可申请下载Live CD镜像 https://new.qq.com/omn/20210129/20210129A08B0T00.html
- 2021/1/29 JingOS Linux平板系统v0.6下载发布 支持多点触摸手势 http://soft.hqbpc.com/html/2021/01/5157.html
- 2021/2/2 为平板设计的Linux系统——JingOS发布 https://www.163.com/dy/article/G1QBNNCC05421RIN.html
Other Press
- 2021/1/16 JingOS to Linux, który wygląda i działa jak iPadOS! https://rootblog.pl/jingos-ipados-linux/ Polish
- 2021/1/18 JingOS é um Linux com aspecto de iPad https://abertoatedemadrugada.com/2021/01/jingos-e-um-linux-com-aspecto-de-ipad.html Português
- 2021/1/18 JingOS, une distribution Linux inspirée d’iPadOS pour les PC avec écran tactile https://www.macg.co/ailleurs/2021/01/jingos-une-distribution-linux-basee-sur-ipados-pour-les-pc-avec-ecran-tactile-119109 French
- 2021/1/18 JingOS: así es esta nueva distribución Linux para tablets basada en Ubuntu e inspirada al completo por iPadOS https://www.genbeta.com/linux/jingos-asi-esta-nueva-distribucion-linux-para-tablets-basada-ubuntu-e-inspirada-al-completo-ipados Spanish
- 2021/1/18 JingOS es la distribución Linux hecha en China que copia la interfaz iPadOS indiscriminadamente https://www.xataka.com/aplicaciones/jingos-distribucion-linux-hecha-china-que-copia-interfaz-ipados-indiscriminadamente Spanish
- 2021/1/18 Çinli Linux dağıtımı JingOS fonksiyonelliği ile dikkat çekiyor https://www.donanimhaber.com/cinli-linux-dagitimi-jingos-fonksiyonelligi-ile-dikkat-cekiyor--129108 Türkçe
- 2021/1/18 JingOS : voici la distribution Linux inspirée du système d'exploitation de l'iPad, dont la v1.0 sera disponible fin janvier https://linux.developpez.com/actu/311806/JingOS-voici-la-distribution-Linux-inspiree-du-systeme-d-exploitation-de-l-iPad-dont-la-v1-0-sera-disponible-fin-janvier-et-qui-est-susceptible-d-etre-au-centre-d-une-bataille-legale-avec-Apple/ French
- 2021/1/18 Представлен аналог iPadOS на базе Linux https://3dnews.ru/1030377 Russia
- 2021/1/19 JingOS: O Linux que copia o iPadOS e quer conquistar os tablets e os híbridos https://pplware.sapo.pt/linux/jingos-o-linux-que-copia-o-ipados-e-quer-conquistar-os-tablets-e-os-hibridos/ Português
- 2021/1/20 iPadOSを参考に開発されたLinuxディストリビューション「JingOS」が登場 https://iphone-mania.jp/news-341789/ Japanese
- 2021/2/2 ingOS lanza su primera ISO… pero tendrás que esperar si quieres probarla https://www.linuxadictos.com/jingos-lanza-su-primera-iso-pero-tendras-que-esperar-si-quieres-probarla.html Español"
Contact us
Email: lcc@jingos.com