Platform K8S-2

Platform repository


  1. №1, Minikube
  2. №2, RBAC
  3. №3, Net
  4. №4, Volumes, Storages, StatefulSet
  5. №5, Kubernetes-storage
  6. №6, Kubernetes-debug
  7. №7, Kubernetes-operators
  8. №10, Kubernetes-templating
  9. №11, Kubernetes-vault
  10. №12, GitOps

Task 1



  1. kube-apiserver start and re-start by Systemd Service OS, а coredns - manage by k8s via ReplicaSet;



  • minikube start - start minikube;
  • minikube ssh - pass to VM minikube by ssh;
  • kubectl cluster-info - check connection to claster;
  • kubectl get pods -n kube-system - list all pods into namespace kube-system;
  • kubectl get cs - check status claster;
  • kubectl get ... - list all resources;
  • kubectl describe ... - show info about particular resource;
  • kubectl logs ... - show log conteiner in pod;
  • kubectl exec ... - exec command in container inti pod;
  • kubectl apply -f file.yaml - apply manifest;
  • kubectl get pod web -o yaml - get manifest runned pod;
  • kubectl port-forward --address pod/web 8000:8000 - port-forward to ... (8000);