SmartSystems .NET Client Web API, Angular 5

Project prototipe to demonstrate using .NET Core 2, Web API2, Angular 5, PrimeNG 5.0,TypeScript, ECMAScript6, SCSS.[Build status]

  • [1](Home Page is public available top-menu for "Login/Registration"and Main Drop Menu "Reports") includes Sub-menu
    • [1]BrokerageBrokers.
    • [2]Brokers. (Menu is visible but access will be forbidden until user not authenticated for Reports)
  • [2]Authorisation implementation Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity:
    • [2.1]Authenticated users can get access to Sub-Menu invoke to populate via Web-API service or master table BrokerageBrokers or single table Brokerage
    • [2.2]BrokerageBrokers master table and table Broker (One-To-Menu relation) Second Grid Brokers will be Drop Down when user click Master record Brokerage in the first grid.
  • [5]MS SQL (Express) and Azure SQL Server Script Create and Populate DataBase.
  • [6]Web Services: WebAPI implementation SPA DI Repositories Busines Access Layer (BAL), Data Access Layer (DAL), Presentation Layer Angular as conception without pretention full implementation
  • [7]Done ASP.NET Core 2 Identity