Project prototipe to demonstrate using .NET Core 2, Web API2, ReactJS, PrimeNG 5.0,TypeScript, ECMAScript6, SCSS.[]
Application SmartSystems SunWing5
- Server
- ASP.NET Core 2.0
- Entity Framework Core w/ EF Migrations
- JSON Web Token (JWT) authorization
- SQL Server database
- Client
- React 15.6
- Webpack 2 for asset bundling and HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
- CSS Modules
- Fetch API for REST requests
- Testing
- xUnit for .NET Core
When first cloning the repo or adding new dependencies, run this command. This will:
- Install Node dependencies from package.json
To start the app for development, run this command. This will:
- Run
dotnet watch run
which will build the app (if changed), watch for changes and start the web server on http://localhost:5000 - Run Webpack dev middleware with HMR via ASP.NET JavaScriptServices
After making changes to Entity Framework models in api/Models/
, run this command to generate and run a migration on the database. A timestamp will be used for the migration name.
PowerShell Add-Migration InitialCreate Update-Database
console dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate dotnet ef database update