
This project demonstrates DSP capabilities of Terasic DE2-115

Primary LanguageVerilog

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In this project I have designed a system that shows the DSP capabilities of FPGA systems. The FPGA design consists of:

  1. A finite-state machine for the audio codec configuration via I2C.
  2. An I2S receiver for acquiring data from the audio codec.
  3. A 6-order low-pass IIR filter to demonstrate filtering capabilities of FPGA.
  4. A 4096-point FFT megacore from Altera to get the signal spectrum.
  5. A VGA module with video RAM to display the spectrum.
    All modules are written by myself except FFT megacore.

The design is intended for the Terasic DE2-115 board with the Cyclone IV FPGA chip.

KEY[0] - reset
SW[2:0] - background color
SW[17] - 1: filter off, 0: filter on
SW[16] - mic left/right channel

VGA: VESA 1024x768@70 Hz
FFT range: 0 - 1/4 Fs
Fs: 48 828.125 Hz

Block diagram

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Watch the video of working