
Learning with the Udemy course with Vanilla Java Script

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Learning with the Udemy course with Vanilla Java Script

Hello my Friends. I am learning JavaScript and I learn about:

  1. Add comments in VSC
  2. Variables
  3. Variables identifiers
  4. Primitive values
  5. Variables exercises
  6. Conditional statements - if, else, switch
  7. Conditional statements exercises
  8. Loops: while, do while, for
  9. Loops exercises
  10. Functions
  11. Functions exercises
  12. Objects introduction
  13. Objects introduction exercises
  14. Statements expressions
  15. Passing by reference and value
  16. Passing by reference and value exercises
  17. Callback
  18. Callback exercises
  19. Load event and innerHTML
  20. Compound interest
  21. Typeof
  22. Number
  23. String
  24. Boolean
  25. Null & undefined
  26. Arrays
  27. Arrays c.d.
  28. Simple clock - create a watch with the current time
  29. Var let const
  30. Operators
  31. Type + conversion
  32. Scope
  33. Scope exercises
  34. Currency table - create of the current NBP exchange rate table
  35. Hoisting
  36. Objects
  37. Objects exercises
  38. Objects props and methods
  39. Random joke APP
  40. Function intro
  41. Function arguments
  42. Rest spread
  43. Cat facts APP
  44. Objects as arguments
  45. Deafult function arguments
  46. Functions as arguments
  47. Return
  48. Anonymous function
  49. Fat arrow
  50. Random meme APP
  51. IIFE
  52. Call apply bind
  53. This execution context
  54. This events
  55. This function constructor
  56. Closures
  57. Problems with closures
  58. DOM start
  59. DOM events
  60. Event loop
  61. AJAX
  62. Random color APP
  63. Infinite scroll APP
  64. Dark/light mode APP
  65. Analog clock APP
  66. Drawing canvas APP
  67. Lightbox
  68. Form validation
  69. Multi step form
  70. Connection checker
  71. Countdown
  72. Text stats