
A personal custom Anki sync server,aim to provide an easier way for deployment

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

This one is taken as a Rust version of ankicommunity/anki-sync-server.


run from built binary package

download executables from releases


After decompression,an account is required,following instructions below on how to create an account. Then,double click ankisyncd.exe to get started.


  1. Fisrt of all,decompression,
tar -zxvf ankisyncd_xxx.tar.gz
  1. create an account following instructions below.
  2. run from terminal,

Currently supported Linux platforms

machine ENV
x86_64 Windows wsl2(need testing )
aarch64(arm64) cross-compiled on wsl2(ubuntu),tested on ubuntu aarch64 and termux
armv7(arm32) cross-compiled on wsl2(ubuntu)

MacOS(x86_64,need testing)

After decompression,an account is required,following instructions below on how to create an account.

containerized build (docker) and run

allow for easy development/build without installing any toolchain,more see containerized build

build from source

  1. make sure Rust and its toolchains are installed. follow this link using rustup to install.
  2. clone our repo and enter into the folder, run build command cargo build --release

Setting up Anki

Anki 2.1(install add-on from ankiweb)

Tools -> Add-ons

  1. on add-on window,click Get Add-ons and fill in the textbox with the code 358444159

  2. there,you get add-on custom sync server redirector,choose it.Then click config below right

  3. apply your server ip address ,restart Anki


Advanced → Custom sync server

Unless you have set up a reverse proxy to handle encrypted connections, use http as the protocol. The port will be either the default, 27701, or whatever you have specified in Settings.toml (or, if using a reverse proxy, whatever port you configured to accept the front-end connection).

Use the same base url for both the Sync url and the Media sync url, but append /msync to the Media sync url. Do not append /sync to the Sync url.

Even though the AnkiDroid interface will request an email address, this is not required; it will simply be the username you configured with ankisyncd.exe user -a.

encrypted HTTP connection

Due to Android policy change,some ankidroid versions need https transportation.Ankisyncd allow embeded self-signed certicate verify used in LAN environment.open Settings.toml with text editor,modify following lines:

#make ssl_enable true
# put cert and key file path 

Account Management

use subcommand of ankisyncd

enter into ankisyncd account management i.e.create user account

ankisyncd.exe user -a xiaoshiyilang iampass

more subcommand see help ankisyncd.exe -h


  • error handle
  • fix incorrect log time (when running on cross-compiled binary)
  • add github repo link to log info
  • add username to log info
  • wiki writing


tested anki versions 2.1.15,2.1.28,2.1.35,2.1.50
tested process import a collection of decks and upload to server


ankisyncd architecture or apis depend on ankicommunity/anki-sync-server and ankitects/anki. Sync APIs are based on anki/rslib 2.1.46