
Sample Interview project done in the past

Primary LanguageCSS

tingg (Front-end Test)

About Project

(Front-end Test)

This will test for the following.

  • Ability to produce a complete replica of the design
  • Code cleanliness
  • Code Documentation
  • Exception Handling Only use either VueJS or Angular JS for this assignment. QUESTION Create a HTML, CSS, PHP & JS web page that is a complete replica of the attached image Use the following data sets to populate in your web page according to the design. Do not hard code the data on your page.
  1. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataCompiledMapData.php
  2. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataTotalValue.php
  3. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataTotalValueLast30Days.php
  4. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataTotalOrders.php
  5. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataTotalOrdersLast30Days.php
  6. https://beep2.cellulant.com:9001/assessment/retail/dataAll.php Please take note of the color codes as provided on the attached image. Submission Write steps to install the application.

Name the folder using the following format BE-.zip (e.g BE- John_Doe_0763548593.zip)

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.