
The RPGReader is a parser for RPG-Maker 2000 Games.

Primary LanguageJava


What is this?

The RPGReader is a parser for RPG-Maker 2000 Games.


The first version, which can handle .ldb, .lmt and .lmu files, has simple getters and setters for the information in this files and has no known bugs, which can lead to corruption of the RPG-Maker 2000 Project, will be called 1.0.0. Prior to this the versions will not have any name except for their commit-id.


After the release of version 1.0.0, the versionnumber will always be x.y.z, where y increments with new features and z increments with new bugfixes. Changes in the API will increase x. There are plans to add the capability of parsing RPG-Maker 2003 Games, but not in the nearer future.