SwiftyXMLCoding: v0.6.2(Beta)
An XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder that serializes Swift's Encodable
and Decodable
protocols to XML using PropertyWrapper
s to indicate XML Attributes and CData Strings
Due to the use of PropertyWrappers
, Swift 5.1+ is required, (included in Apple's 2019 major releases). For backwards-compatible parsers I recommend SWXMLHash and XMLParsing
Currently only Apple platforms are supported. Support for other platforms is a secondary goal.
Since SPM now has integrated support everywhere Swift 5.1 is used, there are currently no plans to support other dependency management tools. If SPM in unavailable, Git-Submodules is an option. More info can be found at the SPM Website
If you're working directly in a Package, add SwiftyXMLKit to your Package.swift file
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/GottaGetSwifty/SwiftyXMLKit.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.6.0-beta" )),
If working in an Xcode project select File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency...
and search for the package name: SwiftyXMLKit
or the git url:
import SwiftyXMLCoding
let xmlStr = """
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<description><![CDATA[An in-depth look & analysis of creating applications with XML.]]></description>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
struct Book: Codable {
var id: String
var author: String
var title: String
var genre: String
var price: Double
var description: String
func decodeBookXML(from data: Data) -> Book? {
do {
// Verbose Decoding
let book = try XMLDecoder().decode(Book.self, from: xmlData)
return book
// Concise Decoding:
return try XMLDecoder().decode(from: xmlData)
catch {
return nil
func encodeBookAsXML(_ book: Book) -> String? {}
do {
/* utf8 Data Encoding
let bookXMLData: Data = try XMLEncoder().encode(book, withRootKey: "book", header: XMLHeader(version: 1.0)
// String decoding
return try XMLEncoder().encodeAsString(book, withRootKey: "book", header: XMLHeader(version: 1.0)
catch {
return nil
Many current Swift libraries for working with XML have a more direct parsing approach. This is well suited for some use cases but heavy handed for basic XML import/export.
Codable enables a simplified Type-level declarative API that greatly reduces the amount of boilerplate needed for serialization.
Unfortunately previous to Swift 5.1 the only way to handle XML's complications like Attributes was adding a way in the Serializer options to manually handle cases where a property should be mapped to an Attribute.
Using a Property Wrapper, this library enables the same declarative method for XML Attributes and CData Strings. These are also compatible with other Codable parsers (e.g. JSON(En/De)coder
) allowing use of the same models for serializing XML and other formats.
Formatting options for XMLEncoder
mirror JSONEncoder
Formatting options for XMLDecoder
mirror JSONDecoder
The goal is for this to be a tested and easily testable library. Given the constrained nature of the approach taken a robust test suite is very achievable. The bulk of this work (encoding/decoding) is already done. Performance testing and using real-world XML is next on the list.
- Have a declarative API for encoder's "root key"
- Replace other (En/De)coder options with a
- Platform-agnostic Support.
- Convert XMLDecoder to use SWXMLHash, Open up additional (simple) customization options for XMLDecoder and easier Linux support.
- Performance Unit Tests. There are likely places where speed can be optimized, but Performance Tests should be added first to avoid unintended regression.
- Github integration with CI pipline to automate Unit Tests for pushes and pull requests.
- Integrate SwiftLint.
Thanks to the author of the project used as the seed: XMLParsing! Much of it has been refactored, but it cut out a good amount of time that would've been spent wrangling Swift's JSON(En/De)Coder
implementation to work with XML.
Thanks to SWXMLHash for handling my use cases until this was possible.
A tool for generating Swift Models from XML. Default format will be for compatibility with SwiftyXMLCoding.
A library with simple SwiftyXMLCoding compatible implementations of standardized XML Formats, e.g. RSS, Podcasts, etc.