
Admin interface for Enduro.js

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


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This is the admin interface for enduro.js.

Other repositories: Endurosamples • Enduro admin • endurojs.com site



Documentation is mostly shared with enduro. Check it out at www.endurojs.com/docs

Developing enduro admin

Just clone the project and develop it as if it was another enduro project. There is a tiny test suite that can be run by npm test

Having enduro_admin npm linked

Sometimes you want to develop enduro_admin against an existing project of yours. For this, you can use npm link.

Just cd into enduro_admin folder and do npm link and then cd into the enduro's folder and do npm link enduro_admin.

Be careful that by doing this you'll have to update enduro_admin to the newest version by doing a git pull on your enduro_admin folder, rather than just updating enduro and getting the latest version with it.